The 10 days meme everyone's been doing...except I did it all in one entry so it'd be easier on both you all and me.1
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now
(I’ll do what I can, I’m not sure I am close to enough people to pull this one off)
1) You deserve anything good that comes your way, unfortunately, good things don’t seem to come your way very often. You’ve set yourself down a difficult course in life, and certainly not one you had planned for. Hopefully your backlogged karma comes rushing in one day, if not, I’ll be there.
2) I’m proud of you and how far you’ve come. You see the world differently now. You’ve finally found what you want to do with your life and that’s as much as anyone can ask for, ultimately.
3) You make me really happy in a way no one has in far too long. It may prove a twisty road ahead for many different reasons, but that’s a chance I am willing to take.
4) Don’t be afraid to take a risk! That is usually the only place where true success can be found. You are probably the most calculating person I know besides myself, so I know you will make the right moves.
5) You are going through some emotional times right now. I think you are starting to see that people you have thought of as friends may not actually be who you thought they were. Remember, two diametrically opposed viewpoints can never find a middle ground.
6You WILL be hugely successful one day…if you ever stop getting distracted and stick to a single plan. Oh, and stop smoking.
7) You’re headed down the right path I think. I know, because I’ve been down it as well. So long as you don’t allow yourself to get distracted and sometimes make the hard decisions, you will reach a better place in life. Be sure to finish school!
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
1) I’m a whiner. It’s probably my biggest shortcomming but I am trying to work on it because no one likes a whiner and it never helps a situation.
2) Names and me don’t mix. I have had classmates for 4 years and still not been able to remember their name. I’m working on it, but this has been a lifelong uphill struggle.
3) I don’t want to be an engineer.
4) I LOVE the sense of ownership and responsibility that comes with running a major project and deligating portions out while keeping the bigger picture the ultimate goal.
5) I miss snowboarding more than anything, but I also think I wasted far too much of my life attempting to go pro in it.
6) I was pretty badly abused as a child, not physically, but in other ways by my step mom. I still haven’t gotten completely over it and while she now treats me as a human being, I don’t think I will be able to ever trust her again or not feel on edge around her.
7) I have a REALLY difficult time handling emotional people (and by extension most women).
8) I have a bad tendency to be jelous of other peoples success, especially if it seems to have come so easilly (which isn’t usually the case).
9) I’m a confident person by nature, but it doesn’t serve me AT ALL in bed. I am timid as hell in that realm.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
1) Having common interests makes relationships of any kind possible. It’s difficult for me to keep interested in you if we have nothing in common. However…
2) …allow me my space! I HATE feeling obligated and will start to resent you for chaining me down.
3) Be confident. Timid people annoy the hell out of me and drive me nuts.
4) Be able to separate emotion from logic. Overly emotional people tend to clutter up a perfect situation with unreasonable doubt. Once logic is twisted with emotion, the logic will invariably become flawed but still beleivable to the person.
5) Be honest with me. I’m strong, I can handle it. I will be honest with you too.
6) Be physically attractive. Sorry, I’m shallow like that. If you cant turn me on, a deep relationship isn’t gonna start growing.
7) Have a thick skin. I LOVE to joke around and drop little fun jabs on people. Even more, I like it when people can dish them BACK!
8) Have ambition. People who have no plan to go anywhere with their lives not only waste their own time, but mine as well if I’m in a relationship with them.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
1) Ooo! That looks good. Now how can I make a good shot out of it?
2) I don’t want to be an engineer anymore…so how do I want to get to my next step?
3) I hate this town!
4) Why didn’t that work?
5) I’m hungry.
6) I’m tired.
7) I’m horny.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
1) Wish I hadn’t wasted so much time on snowboarding, even though I loved it. I would be MUCH further along in life right now if I hadn’t.
2) Let my second relationship last as long as it did. Dead weight needs to be removed rather than fester.
3) Been more honest with my earlier relationships.
4) Crashed my car when I was a sophomore in college.
5) Told my mom some of the things I’ve told her.
6) Formed bad habits.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
1) Lysandarria (sis)
2) Lothaekor
3) Athus
4) Koogy
5) Loren
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
1) Smell bad.
2) Diapers.
3) Bad traps.
4) Worries.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
1) Confidence.
2) Hypnosis.
3) Showers.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
1) =/
2) ^.-.^
Day Ten: One confession
I may be entering the first relationship I have been in since 2004. Here’s hoping it all works out! ^.-.^