May 02, 2006 16:45
Being quite sick, and also not too well and slightly under the weather last week, I had time to (huzzah) finish my paper for next Friday's post-graduate seminar (anyone who wants to hear me talk about the social classes of pre-Christian Ireland, come Friday at 4 in room K114, all welcome), and also to read three books by Philip Pullman. I started on Wednesday with a Sally Lockhart novel, the Ruby in the Smoke, which was good, though not as good as His Dark Material by the same writer that I had read last year. Full of memories of these great books, I went down to my local library and found the Subtle Knife (book 2) and The Amber Spyglass (Book 3) and read them over the week-end. I had only read them once, and I was immediately swallowed again in this masterpiece of world travel brilliantly written, with amazingly vivid and cinematic characters and events, and a text that deals with serious philosophical and metaphysical questions on a very light-hearted and fluid prose. The main plot of the book is that basically, a man is going to wage war against God, because God and his Church have become evil and need to be destroyed. I wonder how the Church reacted to it, but I'd say it would be interesting to know, for Pullman flung the truth of its history in its face and then rubbed hard. I'm pretty sure the Church went *ouch*.
N'etant pas tres bien, un peu malade et relativement en petite forme la semaine derniere, j'ai eu le temps de (yeahman!) finir mon article pour la conference de vendredi, mais aussi de lire trois bouquins de Philip Pullman. J'ai commence le mercredi avec un Sally Lockhart, the Ruby in the Smoke, pas mal, mais pas aussi bien que His Dark Materials par le meme auteur, que j'avais lu l'annee derniere. L'esprit bouillonnant de souvenirs de ces chefs d'oeuvres, je suis descendu jusqu'a ma bibliotheque locale et j'y ai trouve les tomes 2 et 3, The Subtle Knife et The Amber Spyglass. En un weekend c'etait boucle. Je ne les avais lus qu'une fois, et je me suis immediatement laisse happer par le brio de ce multivers, superbement ecrit avec des personnages et des evenements hauts en couleurs et incroyablement cinematiques, et un texte qui n'a d'enfantins que le nom, traitant sous couvert de legerete et et de fluidite, de problemes philosophiques et metaphysiques fondamentaux. La trame principale de la trilogie est qu'un homme pars faire la guerre contre Dieu car Dieu et son eglise son devenus malefiques et doivent etre detruits. Je me demande comment l'Eglise a reagit a la parution de ces ouvrages, mais ca m'interesserai de le savoir, car Pullman a litteralement jete la verite au visage de l'eglise aussi violemment et directement que possible. A mon avis, l'eglise a du dire *ouille*.