Title: Known to Cross Lines
Fandom: Inglourious Basterds
Rating: NC-17 (but only for one little part)
Summary: Hirschberg survives the war and doesn't know what to do with himself and his trauma... so he goes to visit Aldo.
napalmiris for making me start this way back in December. :D Follow-up fic mayyybe?
hand over your heart, let's go home )
So I appreciate the hell out of you on that end, and also for the fact that you did a pretty good job of it! The beginning was definitely my favourite, because, well, it contained the majority of that sort of thing, but you also wrote it so damn well, Gerry's voice really ringing through and I really do love the frankness you treat it with, because after living in those conditions? Yeah, tact is essentially gone.
So while fairly short there's still enough of that depth in there to give the story more point, as in, of course he'd go visit Aldo, and it makes perfect sense that he would. You've got a great build up going here and I think you write Aldo pretty well in a post-war situation. Of course he wouldn't be terribly different but he really did change seven people's lives rather extensively, even if they didn't necessarily get to live with the changes afterwards. Still - the connection between the two here at the end was palpable and felt very real.
Awesome fic!
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