Well I started my trip to the south yesterday. The first leg of my journey did NOT go as well as expected. You see I used maps.google.com and my friend's directions but STILL missed the turnoff onto I-40 in Nashville. So as I kept going south looking for the exit onto 240 I was totally not finding it on I-65 south because it was like 200 miles to my west :-p. So I stopped at this exit to try to get a map and this fine southern gentleman told me I had just happened to get off at the perfect exit as I could take SR-64 across the bottom of the state of TN to Memphis... So I went the 'rural' way and ended up an hour behind schedule and 60 some odd miles out of my way. A bit frustrated but none the worse for the wear.
I get to my friends house and get a hug from Lauren off the bat who was very happy to see me again. She remembered me from last year when they brought her up to Columbus and so I had a new friend waiting for me who was very interested in learning to do situps, play hide and seek, pushups, and eat the fingers hehe. Eat the fingers is where she uses this plastic thing like a mouth and 'eats' my fingers and then once they are all 'gone' blows on my hands and poof the fingers are back! She loves that. And spinning around in circles on my shoulders, and just about anything fun haha.
Babies! So today the plan is to hang and we are going to go bowling. Tomorrow morning starts the longest leg of my journey which is down to my parents house. 13 hours or so and I'm not looking forward to it all that much as a bunch of it will be on state routes though MS, TN, AL, and GA. Though truth be told it's not THAT bad as passing slow southern folk is alot of fun. And yes I do wait until there is a LOT of room and no one coming for miles ;-).
The only thing I 'forgot' so far was my Camera. Thankfully everyone I am visiting has digital cameras so I'm just going to beg and borrow. More pictures will be posted to the above link if you're curious and I'll likely give some more updates once I get down to the south.