Last week
engelhardtlm1 and I went on vacation with my family, which was a ton of fun and went
so much better than last year. We supped on the bounty of the sea, I caught a freaking skate, we only had one storm, no one got sick and nothing broke down and it was very nice. Lucas and I left early to go to Pittsburgh for his college roommate's wedding, which was beautiful and fun. We had a nice time, it was good to see people again, we had good food, nothing really went too wrong there.
Then we came home. And discovered that, in our absence, the water pump had stopped working.
Tomorrow will be our third day without water.
I think the worst part is that we can't really do anything about it. We're totally in our landlord's hands with this. Today we were told that someone would come by to fix the pump, but they never told us a time, so we prowled around for ten hours like caged tigers, unable to focus on anything because at any moment someone could ring the doorbell. They never did, but still. Our typical ADD was so much worse, it was all we could do to read Cracked articles. Here's the most productive I was: I opened up a word document and made like two line edits. Oh, and followed a veritable rabbit trail of Wikipedia links. At least I wasn't on
the site that must not be named!
Then we gave up waiting and Lucas made a (for him) mean phone call to the landlord and we went and had dinner with his parents, who were very nice and let me take a shower and then we watched Percy Jackson with them and ate pie and it ended up being a good day with us feeling more civilized than we have all week. My father-in-law joked that we looked like were going to hyperventilate from excitement at the restaurant when the waitress served the water.
I recently finished reading Dune for the first time ever, and I totally understand it so much better now. Water! It's priceless! It's so precious! Why do we not wear stillsuits? We should be reclaiming as much of this precious, precious liquid as possible!
(I also finished reading Mistborn, a biography about Martin Luther, the first Temeraire book (again), Rowan Hood and Skybreaker but they don't have anything to do with a lack of water so they don't fit into this entry as well. Sorry.)
(If you want a super longer entry about the whole water thing, go check out
engelhardtlm1 's blog. He's writing it right now and while I haven't read any of it, it looks hilarious.)