About last night.

Nov 14, 2008 11:30

I have a LOT to say about the ep. But for now, I just have to show you guys something. Spoilers for a lot of eps, including last night's.

This isn't really to my flist. (you guys are so chill, I love you) Feel free to ignore rant and just look at icons. :-)

But to the rest of you who harped on Sam for being a rapist, and now feel the need to harp on him for NECROPHELIA, I would like to point out that Sam has been assaulted by supernatural females for YEARS. In not one instance did he EVER make the first move. Most of these icons are NON-CON, people.

Also, Ruby's 'dead body' was dead for like 2 seconds. Give me a break. NECRO? I know REAL PEOPLE who have been dead for longer than that. Tell my friend's husband that HE'S a necro. *eyeroll of DOOM*

Also, several other people were dead longer than that ... like, I dunno, JOHN before Mary brought him back, Or SAM before Dean brought him back, or DEAN before ... see where I go with this?

My point is, if you are going to be mad at Sam, be mad for the right reason. He WILLINGLY SLEPT WITH A DEMON. (do I care? no. He was so suicidal and vunerable and she wanted him to want to live, plenty of people have had sex for less) But if you HAVE to be mad at him, stow the rape/necro complaining and just see it for what it was. Please. I have migraines.

PILOT EP. (hey, is that a DEAD CHICK?) 

Season ONE. Sam/DEMON. Hey!! DEMON.

Season TWO. Sam/Werewolf.



Season FOUR. Sam/Ruby.

This one is NOT MY FAULT. I blame the Beach Boys. *facepalm*

Anyway, I just felt like getting that out there. *hands*

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, icons

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