Fic: For What it's Worth

Oct 13, 2008 23:05

Drabble, set sometime in *those* 4 months. Sam and Ruby. (I seem to be sensing a fic trend, yes?) 100 words.

August 27 - For What it’s Worth

It's times like this she’s glad she’s not a human anymore.

She moves through the room quietly, grateful she can see in the dark. Sam’s still form is huddled tightly underneath the covers. Except for the tense lines set into his face, she thinks he looks like a child.

She gently pulls the cool washcloth away from his forehead, rubs the stray sweat droplets from his pale cheeks.

The headaches aren’t as bad as they used to be, but they’re plenty bad enough.

Sam stirs restlessly, whispering, a plea.


She tells herself she’s doing all she can to help.


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