Eyecon report - Friday/Saturday

Sep 28, 2008 01:27

Hi, fandom!! *waves*

'Lil report from Orlando, where we are currently getting not enough sleep, and most of *us* have been drinking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much booze. So, ya know - it's a con! *g*

(Sorry for the slow stream of con reports - the internet in the hotel here doesn't work in most of the rooms for some reason. That's maybe why news is a little behind)

Friday afternoon -

Not much to report from Friday other than we got to screen Chad's new movie, "My Big Break." It's a documentary about Chad and his 3 roommates that lived with him in L.A. when they all first moved there, all hoping to become successful actors. This movie was AMAZING.

Afterwards, Chad and the director, who was also a roommate in the house, talked about the movie. It starts out as 4 guys with dreams and follows them on the ride that is fame - or failure. It ended up being unexpectedly heartbreaking, and there were a few tears at the end. Since we were the first people ever to actually see it, Chad was really interested to see what we thought. We learned a lot about Chad during the film, the whole film was very open and honest, and really raw, and the atmosphere was one of total support and admiration during the Q&A. *smishes Chad* The whole story of the way the film came to be and the trials they've faced bringing it into the light, even losing friend over it, was really intense.

Anyway, if you ever get a chance to see it, SEE.IT. (Fair warning ... there's a lot of nekkid. *cringe*)

After the movie screening was Jason's concert. Look! He cut his hair! (yay)

Not much to say there, 'cept ... he sings good. *melts*

After there was much walking around the hotel, catching up with friends and taking stupid, silly goofy pictures that I'm sure no one on here wants to see. *smiles sweetly* We had stayed up until about 3 on Thursday night after the new ep, squeeing and flailing and talking all about SamnDean, a'course, and so we were sleepy, and so naturally on Friday night, we stayed up until about 3 as well. Because I guess that's just what you do at cons. *snickers*

Saturday was basically Q&A day.

We started off with Jim! \o/

Jim got a shirt from someone (whose name I feel as though I should know, but I don't, sorry) that said "I'm a Bobby Girl" on it. She also had made him a theme song.

Jim is very excited about the upcoming season, he couldn't tell us ANYTHING about his new show with Katie, just that they hadn't had any scenes together yet, and he kept threatening to spoil us about things for Spn s4. I love Jim, but I think I may have cried if he'd actually done it, lol.

After Jim, we got to talk to Travis and A.J. \o/

These two guys, I swear, they are well on their way to becoming J&J jr. *snickers* They are totally in synch with each other, and they play off each other so well. It was really, really fun to watch them. They even got asked to do a second Q&A on Sunday, so we get to see more of them! (yay!)

They sang the Ghostfacers theme song, and they did the 'Slow walk', and they mimed out how tall Jared is. So. Silly.

They decided that A.J. is like Captain Kirk, and Travis is like Spock. I asked them, "If the Ghostfacers found out about Sam's powers, would they be afraid of him, or would they want to interview him to see if they could get a movie deal?" They answered that they aren't intimidated by Sam's powers because they've always had Jedi mind powers. Said they taught him everything he knows, and he still needs some practice, but maybe he can be as smooth as them someday.

So looking forward to seeing them again.

Next up - Fred. O_o

Fred was unusually well behaved this con. *snerk* He said a bunch of really sweet things about the 'magic moments' in acting, and although he hasn't watched the new eps, he does know about the new developments and he greatly approves. Also, he wore the 'vote for evil!Sam' sticker I gave him, lol. (Actually, Nicki,Fred,Travis, and Chad all took evil!Sam stickers. Evil!Sam is kicking Good!Sam's butt.) *pets Sam*

Next up - Nicki!! \o/ I was so psyched about meeting her, and she was AWESOME. She's funny, spunky, and classy, and she totally goes up there and pwns those boys. Lol. *loves on Nicki like woah*

Plus, I LOVE her new hair, lol. *is shallow*


We had a break and after dinner we went to see Steve's concert, which was awesome. Jason did end up singing one song with him, and it was wonderful.

Vids from the panels should be going up over the next week or so on youtube under the name Kiwioflurve, who is livejournal's lotr_lemmy . The lighting in the Orlando hotel sucks, but if you like any of these pics, take 'em, please credit tahirire .

Hey look! It's almost 3 AM again! *headdesk* Later today - Jared! \o/


cons: eyecon

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