Chapter one

Nov 02, 1983 23:59

Chapter One

Sam Winchester fidgeted in the passenger's seat of the Impala. He could practically feel the shifts as his emotions ranged from relieved and happy to terrified and back in split seconds. Dean didn't seem to be having the same trouble, in fact he looked positively pleased as he guided his baby down the road. At the sound of Sam's restlessness he broke eye contact with the road long enough to throw Sam a worried look. “Dude. Calm down.”

“Sorry,” Sam responded quickly. “I just ... man, I can't get my head together. I wish we had more time, you know?”

Dean sighed. “Yeah, I know. Just try to focus. Even with Bobby and Ruby in on this one, it's gonna be tough, you know that.”

Sam rubbed his forehead distractedly. There had been no real reason to delay their trip once Dean miraculously returned from the dead - but Dean was back from the dead, dammit, and if Sam could have found a cave in the Alps that was safe from demonic hordes, he would have dragged his brother into retirement right then and there. Instead, they were driving right into battle. He snorted, shaking his head in disgust. “Man, we should be headin' for the hills.” Dean just laughed. Sam's eyes narrowed at the sound. 'What's so funny?'

Dean's smile held, but his eyes were distant with memory. When he spoke, his voice was softly reminiscent. “You sound like how I felt,” he said. Seeing Sam's slightly confused look, he added, “Before the Gate. Man, I just wanted to throw you in a nice safe rubber room.”

Oh. Then. Sam nodded in understanding. He still wasn't used to this Dean, the one it didn't take a crowbar to open up.

Dean's eyes were still on the road, but his voice was serious as he spoke. “I practically begged you to take it easy, but no matter what I said you wouldn't give. Believe me Sam - I know exactly how you feel. But tonight we need to be hunters.” He threw Sam a bracing glance. “Ok?”

Sam swallowed the lump in his throat with some difficulty. He breathed a long sigh, trying to calm his nerves. When he responded it was with a steady determination. “Yeah Dean, I know. I'm with you one hundred percent. Let's do this.”


“Sammy, wake up. We're here.” A gentle hand shook his arm. Sam's eyes snapped open, his body instantly shaking off sleep in recognition of just what those words meant. Dean was already climbing out of the car, and he hurried to follow suit. The Impala was parked as far back into the woods as Dean could get her, and as Sam closed the door and headed for the trunk Bobby's truck pulled up beside them.

Everything in the trunk had been pre-packed. Sam and Ruby had loaded everything that morning. That morning, when there were only three of them. They had already decided that Dean would take the extra pack that Ruby had insisted on prepping even though she couldn't get near the contents.

Sam hadn't asked her, but he suspected that she had known that Dean would be joining them all along. He didn't know why she had kept him in the dark, but when he had turned and seen Dean standing there, alive, he had decided that he didn't care. She had proved herself over and over. Demon or not, Sam was genuinely starting to trust her.

Dean thrust a pack towards Sam, grunting 'here,' distractedly. Sam took it. He already knew the contents. One large bag of rock salt, 30 pounds. One two-liter of Holy water, a set of rosary beads, various odds and ends, and a neat, pre-printed copy containing several exorcisms. Sam smiled grimly to himself. He had those memorized. Finally. Swinging the backpack's strap over his shoulder, he reached down for his sawed-off shotgun. He broke the barrel, loaded the gun quickly, and pocketed as many extra rock salt rounds as he could. Next to him, Dean was doing the same.

Last, he tucked a long, curved blade into the sheath at his side and his pistol, safety on, into his waistband at the small of his back. When he looked up he was surprised to see Dean grinning widely as he nestled his own shotgun into the space between his shoulders and his pack. “What?”

“Dude, I feel like Bruce Willis in Die Hard.” Dean quipped.

Sam knitted his eyebrows in mock frustration. “Crap. I knew it. We forgot something.” He stated.

Dean looked taken aback. “What?”

Sam let a mischievous grin spread across his face. “Duct tape!” He winced when Dean cuffed him soundly on the back of the head.

“Shut up, that's not funny.” But Dean's green eyes sparkled with anticipation. It was always like this before a hunt. The weird mix of tension and fear contrasted sharply with excitement, adrenaline barely restrained begging to be set free.

“You boys ready?” Bobby's voice cut through the quiet night of the forest as he approached. His own pack was securely in place, and he carried a rifle in one hand and he was placing a possession charm around his neck with the other.

“Yes, Sir.” They responded in unison. Bobby watched the slight, automatic straightening of their shoulders, heard the crispness in their instant response, noted the tautness of their bodies. Soldiers, He thought. Ready for battle.  It was a battle he'd give anything not to lead them into.

He pushed away the desire to give in to the mild burning behind his eyelids. I'm gettin’ way too damn old for this. He felt his heart swell with pride at the sight of the two men standing before him. He let his eyes pour cautiously over Sam, searching out his mental state.

The last three days had been hell for both boys, in more ways than one. But Sam had never cried, never broken down. Bobby had watched Sam attack this mission with an intensity that, frankly, made him incredibly uncomfortable. It wasn't as if Sam wasn't hurting, he just ... wasn't anything. There were times when the kid had just seemed empty, and Bobby had found that much harder to deal with than if the young man would just shed some tears. Then, that afternoon, Dean had returned and within minutes, Bobby saw the light and life come back into Sam's eyes so bright it was like nothing would ever put the fire out.

They were all happy to have Dean back, but Bobby needed to be sure Sam was focused, ready. Looking at him now, Bobby knew. Sam's hazel eyes burned with unrestrained hunger. He held the shotgun in his hands as though it was a part of him. Sam was a hunter, born and bred. He was ready.

Sam suddenly realized that both of his companions were staring at him. It didn't take a genius to realize what they were thinking. Even though he was a genius. “Guys, really, I've got this. Quit looking at me like I'm made of glass.” Bobby just nodded his acceptance, but Dean tried without much success to wipe the sheepish, embarrassed look off his face. Sam just shook his head and turned, closing the trunk. “Anyone seen Ruby yet?”

“She'll show,” Bobby grunted. “Said she'd meet us closer in. Now move your asses, ‘s almost midnight.” Without further comment Bobby began trudging through the woods.

After exchanging one last You good? I'm good. Well… good, let's go... look, the Winchesters followed the elder hunter into the night.


“Tut-tut, looks like rain,” Dean whispered as they inched closer to the edge of the farm property. The simple trail leading them was little more than a horse cart path, and it led to a dilapidated, long abandoned A-frame cabin with a splintered livestock fence that circled an overgrown pasture in the back. Sam frowned.

“It wasn't this windy when we started out, was it?” He asked, shifting a curious eyebrow towards his brother.

“No, definitely not.” Dean replied. He turned to Bobby, questions in his dark eyes. “Think they're onto us?”

It was all the three hunters could do not to jump out of their skin when from out of seemingly nowhere Ruby answered, “Well, they will be if you don't all shut up.”

“How do you do that?” Sam hissed. “Dean, how does she do that?” Dean stifled a grin behind his palm, pretending to scratch his nose instead of answering.

“Cute,” Ruby responded flatly. “Are we ready to go fight big scary monsters now, or do we want to sit around and talk about the weather?”

“C'mon Sam, stop picking on the girl.” Dean elbowed him soundly in the ribs. Sam had noticed how Dean's cautious disdain for Ruby had all but disappeared since his remarkable return. Even though it seemed uncharacteristic of his brother, Sam hadn't mentioned it. He just assumed that the overwhelming gratefulness he felt was what Dean must be feeling, too. He couldn't help but respond with a smirk at the familiar sound of Dean being so ... Dean.

“Would you two stop gabbin' like a pack of cheerleaders for one second, I'd like to get started with the plan!” Bobby said, dropping his pack to the ground and unzipping the main pocket. He watched as the boys began to work. Without a word, Dean pulled Sam's bag of salt loose and Sam did the same for Dean. The shotgun on Dean's back stayed in place, and with a final meaningful look at each other, the hunters all separated, each heading for a different corner of the house.

Ruby walked with Dean. “Tell me again why this is a good idea?” Dean asked her. The plan was simple. Place a circle - a thick one - around the entire cabin, as close as they could get to the walls without alerting the sentinel inside. Once they had the demon trapped, they could launch an interrogation. Hopefully. “How do we even know which one is in there?” Dean sighed. There's an awful lot of if coming off this plan.

“I can sense him.” Ruby answered cryptically. “Besides, Lilith isn't in there, and that's the important thing.” She spared a glance at Dean, mostly concentrating on trying to be quiet as they crept through the overgrown lawn towards their spot on the circle's perimeter. “If she shows up,” she whispered, “we’re all dead unless this circle holds. Once she finds out we've been here, we need to be long, long gone.”  Dean frowned. It didn't escape him that she hadn't answered the first part of his question.

"And she looks like a kid, right?"

"She usually possesses a child, yes." Ruby whispered. They reached the front edge of the cabin. Ruby stood in between Dean and the wooden frame and Dean began to pour a thick, even line of salt around the front face of the structure. They both crouched low as they rounded the corner towards the sagging front porch. There was a dim light flickering deep inside the one-room interior, and Dean could hear the faint sound of softly falling footsteps. He froze, but the sound did not approach the door.

He held his breath just the same until he rounded the second corner. Ruby crept along with him, watching his back until halfway down the last wall, he ran into Sam. Before the line connected, Sam stopped pouring his salt. Looking up, Dean noticed that there was real worry brewing in Sam's eyes. Sam motioned to Ruby, then pointed to the outside of the circle. She shook her head ‘no’. Tossing her an exasperated look, he grabbed Dean by the arm and pulled him back from the house until they reached the worn out pasture fence. Ruby followed close behind them, looking furious. Dean let Sam pull him into a crouch in the tall grass before throwing off his arm and growling, "What's wrong with you?" as quietly as possible.

"Dean. Something's wrong, we shouldn't go in there."

"How do you know?"

Sam grimaced, reached up and grabbed the front of Dean's jacket. Pulling him face to face, he whispered, "Dean, listen to me! This wind is not right. It's not natural. The forecast said it would be clear, and..."

"Ok! I get it, alright? What do we do?" Dean interrupted as he pushed back, breaking Sam's grip but finally looking Sam in the eyes.  Sam had no response, and instead turned to Ruby for help.

Dean wasn't reassured that Ruby's face mirrored Sam's concern. "One of Lilith's powers is controlling the wind," she told Dean. Dean tensed.

"Can you tell if she's around?"

Ruby looked thoughtful. "I can't sense her. It doesn't mean she isn't blocking me." Dean looked back to Sam.

"So, what do we do?" In his periphery, Dean saw Bobby lean cautiously around the back corner of the house, look for them, and then decide to stay put. "Sam?"

Sam bit his lip. This was wrong, and he knew it, but he also knew that if Lilith was in the woods - in the state, for that matter, that their only possible hope for survival would be to get inside the circle. Best case scenario, they would be able to find the Colt as well. Not that Sam really thought anything in his life could ever win the best-case scenario award. He made his choice.

"We'd never make it back to the car in time. It's safer in the circle. Just - be careful, alright?" He didn't say it, but he knew Dean would understand it anyway. I can't lose you again.

Dean nodded, his face a mask of readiness but his eyes reflecting Sam's own thoughts. "Ok, let's go."

They crept back towards the gap in the circle, meeting Bobby there. Bobby didn't ask what they had been talking about, he simply hefted his shotgun and gestured towards the gap, then Ruby, then the front of the cabin. Ruby stepped carefully over the line. Sam took out what was left of his bag of salt. He reached down to close the circle, but pulled up short. He looked up at Ruby, concern in his eyes. Are you sure about this? You'll be trapped. Ruby nodded, giving him her consent. He closed the circle.

The foursome crept quietly towards the sagging front porch. Almost unconsciously Dean and Ruby took the lead, crouching below but to the front of Sam, putting Sam firmly in the middle and leaving Bobby to take up the rear. Dean leveled his shotgun, and he felt rather than heard Sam do the same, covering him from behind.

They were almost to the door when, to Dean's surprise, it swung wide open. It took his eyes a moment to adjust. The interior was a single room, soft beams of moonlight spilling in through cracks in the old roof. There were fragmented pieces of furniture scattered around the edges, and one dresser near the entrance held a few flickering candles. From the shadows towards the back of the room, Dean could just make out the outline of a man. He was facing the window, head raised to the light of the moon outside. Without turning around, he spoke.

"Sam. Dean." His voice was low and dangerous. Dean tried to shake the uneasy feeling the sound caused. Suddenly he knew what it was to enter into the lion's den. The man straightened and gave a satisfied chuckle. "And Ruby, what a pleasant surprise. I'd heard you've been ... lurking." He turned then, regarding the hunters openly. Ruby held her ground, but she stopped advancing immediately, throwing her hand out to her side like she wanted to stop Sam from moving any closer.

Dean was just about to reply when he heard Sam hiss. "What are you?" He growled, and Dean had never heard his voice sound so full of insistent anger. Not since the Gate. Not since Jake. Dean blinked in surprise as he got a closer look.

The demon’s eyes were fire. Dean saw beneath the illusion of humanity, and while it still seemed to have a solid body, the flames licked just underneath the surface of its skin, writhing and twisting eerily in the dim light. The demon just laughed in response, and the deep, dangerous sound had a new element; a dry crackling noise that reminded Dean of things he never wanted to hear or feel again.

Dean could feel Sam easing the Holy water out of his pack with one hand, using Dean's body to shield his actions from the demon’s view.

"Sam, I'm offended," the demon replied. "At least your brother should remember 'what' I am. He got to meet some of my friends, didn't you Dean?" Again, the dry, rasping laughter filled the cabin. Dean shook his head defiantly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He spat. The shotgun shook in his hands, though, and flashes of memories that seemed like a dream played across his mind.

The demon narrowed his flame-filled eyes. "A shame you didn't feel like staying around." Dean could feel Sam's trembling hand finally pull the Holy water free. "I'm sure they thought they had you trapped. A mistake I'm sure they won't. Repeat. Again."  He let every word fall like a judge's gavel, each syllable conveying the imminent threat of revenge.

Enough with the chit-chat. Dean smiled. "We sure trapped you easy enough." He could feel the tension rising in the air, and he knew it was almost time to make a move.

The fire demon cocked his head to the side. "Now, that's interesting. What, exactly, is your definition of trapped? Because the way I see it, you're stuck in here with me."

Everyone reacted at once. Responding instantly to Sam's cry of Dean!, He crouched low and fired, sending his rounds into the heart of the monster just as Sam sent his into its fiery eyes. The demon recoiled, but it recovered quickly and it lunged forward with inhuman speed. Dean and Ruby split, diving to either side of the door to make room as Sam broke the shotgun with his right arm and swung the bottle of Holy water towards the monster with his left.

The water arced out towards its target, but before it made contact the demon slammed on the breaks, raising a hand as if to ward it off. Dean watched in horror, like he was a mile away, as a pillar of flame erupted from the monster's hand and arced up the glittering stream. It disintegrated the water instantly, but that was the least of their problems. Dean heard himself scream. "Sam!"

Sam was overbalanced. The fire raced up the bottle to his arm, and before he had a chance to pull back the demon was there. It grabbed his wrist with a strength that seemed impossible. Twisting his grip, the monster pivoted and threw Sam, hard. Not stopping to see where he had landed, it took the follow-up round of rock salt in the chest and dove after Bobby next.

Sam hit the back cabin wall at the same time as Bobby was ejected forcefully out the front door. The sickening crack his head made when he came to a stop was something Dean couldn't afford to think about. He fell limply to the floor. He didn't get up. Howling in rage, the demon turned back to the two enemies that were left. He screamed, and a rush of power escaped him. It caught Ruby halfway between the door and Sam; it threw her to the ground.

"You wanna fight? Come and get it you creepy bastard!" Dean yelled, pumping another round into the monster's smoking hulk.  He smiled in satisfaction as the demon screamed in pain. Stay away from Sam, I swear to God... "Who are you? Where's the Colt?" He demanded, already knowing that he wouldn't be getting an answer, but desperate to keep the monster's attention away from his wounded brother.

"You Winchesters," the monster sneered as he gasped for air, "are so predictable." A small satisfied smirk played over his features. "Dean. Did you really think that coming back from the dead meant that everything was going to be ok? Did you really think, " he laughed, "that anything you do is going to save your brother?" He paused, taking in the look of pure rage on Dean's face. "She wants him, you know. And she always gets what she wants." He shook his head in mock pity. "She never had the Colt. This, like everything else, was all about Sam. She used the gun to lure you out of the woodwork." His narrowed eyes gleamed as he drove the accusation home. "And you were kind enough to bring him right to our door. Dean. Sometimes I think you'll never learn."

Dean's blood turned to ice in his veins, but he pushed the thought aside. Demons lie. His gaze flicked to Sam's unconscious frame, checking him. Ruby had climbed to her feet. Dean held his ground. If he could just keep the demon distracted long enough ...  "You lying son of a bitch," He spat coldly, "You'll never get Sam. None of you will." Ruby crept slowly across the room until she was standing in between the demon and Sam. Slowly, she pulled her knife free of the sheath at her side, turning the handle backwards to hold the blade against her wrist.

Sam picked just that moment to come to, making a loud gasping noise in the process. The demon spun, throwing out his hands towards Ruby and unleashing a wave of fire. Ruby was already chanting a counter spell, and Dean watched in awe as the shimmering rush of flame seemed to hit an invisible wall. He could feel the demon’s telekinetic power reaching for him, trying to grab him and hold him fast. He pushed back, struggling to reach the demon’s side.

Sam cringed against the wall, hauling himself into a sitting position. He couldn't see Dean; all he could see was flames. "Dean!" Terror pulled at his senses, his head swam from his injuries. Smoke crowded in around him, and his lungs began to burn as he tried to breathe.

"Sam, start it!" came the reply. Sam could barely hear over the roar of the inferno. Sam shook his head in confusion.

"Ruby...?" He saw her shift, the force of the fire sliding her backwards across the floor, saw her shoulders strain against the power. She nodded her head in response to his unspoken question, not willing to stop her own incantation.

Dean's voice cried out over the roar. "Do it, Sam, do it now!" Sam had already started to chant.


The first thing Bobby noticed when he woke up was that it seemed a lot colder than it had been before, followed closely by the feeling of a sharp pain behind his eyes. The second thing was that even though it was still dark out, there was a bright light shining out of all of the cabin's windows, and he could smell the wood beginning to burn. Standing as quickly as he could, he ran for the cabin door. Smoke was pouring out from underneath the door. He kicked it, hard, but the door wouldn't budge. Bastard's holdin it shut. He could hear faintly the sound of the boys yelling over the crackle of the flames.

Frantic to reach them, he backed down the porch and rounded the corner. He was searching for something to break the window with when the attack came.

Bobby was flying, flying through the air towards the splintered pasture fence, and right before his head made contact he realized he had stepped outside the protection of the circle, and he had forgotten that their enemies were just as likely to be outside as inside, and just as his world went black he wondered how he could have been so stupid.
  Chapter Two

evol!sam, samael

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