Renewal ponderings.

Sep 23, 2012 12:59

OH HI lj. My paid account renewal date is coming up quick, and I just don't know. Firstly, this is the first time I've been able to get this stupid site to LET ME POST in the last week as it is always all freezy. Second ... is anyone really still on here anymore? If I let my paid account lapse, what do I lose? Like, will all my filters stay in ( Read more... )


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kalliel September 23 2012, 17:37:36 UTC
I'm glad you'll have a little bit more breathing room next term! Though haha, yeah, somehow that tends to evaporate into working on extra-curricular but VERY JOB-RELATED work anyway. A costume-oriented portfolio sounds crazy awesome; that's fantastic. *________*

Ugh, I miss writing a ton, too. I'm definitely locking myself in my room at the soonest opportunity to just write--however not-soon that opportunity may be. I haven't seen any anime in a while, though I did find a bookstore that had manga translated into Russian, so I might relive some of my favorites. I'm hoping to find Godchild or Count Cain (speaking of gorgeous costumes!!!) but I've for sure seen FMA, which would be delightfully nostalgic, too. :)

I guess I should have prefaced that with I'VE BEEN IN RUSSIA FOR A MONTH, LEARNING RUSSIAN, and I'll be here 'til December. The only downside to this being (aside from my utter ineptitude at language learning) is that I'm also applying to grad schools while I'm here, which, well. It fucking sucks! XP Not even going to try to sugar coat that one. I'm definitely going to need Show this season, that's for sure.

<33333333 Good luck with everything!!


tahirire September 24 2012, 14:38:31 UTC
EEE, My cousin (from Kentucky lol) is in Japan right now teaching English, I HATE HIM SO MUUUUCH. *cries of jealous* I am eyeing an internship in Seattle because I *really* don't want to have to intern in LA without having ever even visited there, and I can't afford to just go 'check it out'. *Eyeroll*

Not gonna lie, I bought most of the FMA manga. I still need the second half. We just finished the original series and the movie yesterday, and it made me want to watch Brotherhood ALL over again, lol. I had SO much fun being Hawkeye at Dragon con this year. *sigh* FMA has been making me very, very happy. <3


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