We interrupt this FMA review blog to bring you ... FMA cosplay pictures!!!!
Last weekend at Dragon con I went on an EPIC search for Roy Mustang. It is a long story, but it involved missing flyers, polling hundreds of people, and handing out my phone number to perfect strangers. ANYWAY, it paid off and I found him! He was with his own Hawkeye and she was fantastic so we all took pictures together and there were many shennanigans. I got to see my voice actors, the Vampire Diaries cast, the Lord of the Rings cast, and tons of other amazing things, but finding Roy and Riza was DEF. the highlight of my con, lol. I had a blast hanging out with all of my dragon con people. Following is a BRIEF sampling of just the FMA pictures. (We also did Fairly Odd Parents, SPN, Legend of Dragoon, and Final Fantasy. GOOD TIMES.)
Riza Hawkeye and Alphonse Elric, Central Command.
Naturally before I could take pictures with Mustang, I had to find one first. Elaine was awesome and drew me some sketches to show people. We must have asked about 600 people if they'd seen him. It. Was. Hysterical.
Of course Al's picture is better than mine.
<3 AL. <3
During our search I ran into Kimblee though, that was cool.
Winry didn't know where the Colnel was either.
The Slenderman just tried to eat me ... so I shot him. Hawkeye ain't skeered of no Slenderman.
(Never delete crappy pictures you take in crowded hallways.)
Oh yes. Good times.
For SPN and Marvel pics, check out my photobucket. At the Marvel shoot I took Hawkeye pics with all the Hawkeyes LOL.)