Marvel Marathon and The Avengers!

May 06, 2012 01:14

I honestly wanted to post these pictures when I got home Friday morning, but SOOO TIIIIRREEEEED. Anyway, for those of you that didn't know, I got to go to my local theater on Thursday for the Marvel Movie Marathon, ending with The Avengers at midnight. It was about 15 hours, but we were there for 18 because we got there early to get good seats.

That's right, boys and girls - 9 am to 3 am. And I loved EVERY. FRIGGEN. SECOND.

These last 2 weeks were my school break, but I didn't get any down time, too busy working on projects for our upcoming fashion show. *sigh* So the marathon was the only thing I had planned to do over break that I wanted to do. Hence, I went all out. I spent forever trying to find a shirt for every movie, but THE INTERNET WAS SOLD OUT OF SHIRTS, I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING. If I had a penny for every time I saw the 'out of stock' thing, I'd be so so rich right now. So in the end, my brilliant plan to change shirts in between every movie did not exactly pan out, but I had 3 out of 5.

This is before I left to go in the morning. I figured I should try to get pictures while I still looked alive. This is around 8:30.

First movie up was Iron Man, so that was the first shirt I wore. I got this one from  It isn't actually backwards, my webcam mirrors all my pics for some reason. *eyeroll*

since Tony Stark is the comic book love of my life,  Lil'Iron Man is who I chose to spend the day with me. He was stoked. You can tell. (I almost broke down and bought Lil'War Machine to keep him company, but in the end I wanted him all to myself.)

Because I felt bad about not being able to find shirts for The Hulk and Thor, I made it better by getting this awesome Marvel character names fabric and making myself a bag to smuggle in ALL THE CANDY!

I got it in colored and not colored so I could do contrasts. I LOVE it. Everyone at school wanted it and I was like I WILL CUT YOU, lol. But I DO have more fabric ... maybe if I get an extra couple of hours I will make some more.

You guys would be shocked how much candy fits in there. O.o

Of course Lil'Iron Man commandeered the flashy front pocket. He likes it flashy.

When we first arrived, the theater wasn't open yet. We met up with our group and stood in line to wait. Lil'Iron Man inspected his ticket very closely, just to make sure everything was in order.

When they finally opened the doors, we went in and got our SWAG! These cool lanyards let us in and out of the theater all day, not that we ever made it farther than the bathroom, lol. We also got 3-D glasses, and we had to pick a character. I picked Iron Man. Shocking, I know.

This was our schedule for the day. I have to give it to them, they kept it right on track. The staff was great and the food was great and everything was great. They also had trivia and raffles during breaks.

They redesigned the concessions menu and gave everyone a copy.

No one wanted to eat the curly fries. We feared death.

All ready to rock'n'roll.

CJ was my seat buddy.  I've talked about CJ here before, he looks just like this one dude that got killed on Supernatural once.

I actually managed to get an empty seat on the other side of me, Lil'Iron Man sat there.

Then it was go time! First up: Iron Man!

Naturally, Lil'Iron Man was impatient for things to get rolling. He had a long talk with the gentleman in the projection booth.

This is just before the start of the first movie, at 11. We wanted a Before picture. This is (left to right) Will, Nathan, Chris, and Tim. They sat on the row with CJ and me. Cory, Brett and Andy sat down closer. They are all fun dudes. Nate and Chris are 2 of my brothers in law. My husband didn't go for multiple reasons: first, he had to work. Second, he thought we were nuts. :)

After the first movie, the guys decided it was popcorn tiiiiiime. That's Andy on the left. He bonded with Lil'Iron Man. If there is a Lil'Iron Man picture, Andy took it. He also took Lil'Iron Man for most of the movies. I think I only had him for the first and last ones, lol.

As it turns out, Lil'Iron Man is kind of a Popcorn whore.

While the guys were loading up on popcorn, I broke out SOME of the candy I had in my Marvel bag. I still have about 1/4th of that giant bag of Twizzlers.

Second movie: The Hulk! Andy had The Hulk Glasses for this pic, but I have no idea who he borrowed them from, lol. No one in our group got those that I know of.

After The Hulk Andy took Lil'Iron Man to lunch. At Burger King. To be honest, I wasn't sure if he'd make it back or not.

On their way back they ran  into some of the other Avengers!

He was really thirsty after all of that popcorn and fries.

This is the look I got from my brothers after Iron Man 2 when I told them I had to go change my shirt.

Nate and I right before Thor.

Andy, Lil'Iron Man and I right before Captain America.

I think Lil'Iron Man does NOT wish to be Twizzlered. Which makes sense, I mean, we all know he doesn't like people handing him things.

Since it was the last film before Avengers and we had entered 3D territory, we got one of all of us with our glasses on. Waaaay down on the end there, if you look close, you can see Will and I both threw Iron Man peace gang signs, lol.

Then, Tim and I right before AVENGERS!! \o/

Before Avengers they did a raffle. Chris won a Snow White and the Huntsman poster of Chris Hemsworth. This is his eyeroll face.

And this is our row buddy one section down making fun of him, seeing as how HE just won the Avengers giant cardboard standup.

And this is our row buddy lording his victory over Chris.

And this is Chris's sadface.

Our row buddy let us take pics with his shinies, though. I stood by Hawkeye, and Andy held Lil'Iron Man. For it being 3 AM we don't look as dead as we thought we would, lol.

Achievement Unlocked: Avengers.

SERIOUS NOTE: GO. SEE. THIS. MOVIE. I don't care why you see it. I don't care if you aren't into comics, Joss Whedon, or Fun, MAKE yourself go see it. It is FANTASTIC. I can't wait to see it again, then again, and then maybe one more time, and then own it. JUST GO SEE IT. And be sure to stay AAAAAAALL the way through the credits - Joss tossed in 2 extra scenes instead of just the one. Because Joss is the master. :)

... and then I died. Mostly of awesome, but also of lack of sleep. I am still recovering, tbh. My back is PISSED. I spent all day Friday in my recliner, and most of the day today in bed with a heating pad. Still, I had SO much fun being with all of the fans, the energy level was awesome, and I can finally say I made it through a true marathon at an actual theater and not just in my living room, lol.


holy crap on a cracker, fangirling costs money, what am i the master of again?, guh, *dies*, when our powers combine, friday, tony stark tony stark tony stark, hell yes, picspam, glass case of emotion, zombies

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