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heidi8 April 28 2012, 17:27:38 UTC
It could possibly have been Iron Man 3 which is also filming in NC this summer? I don't think THG starts for another month or so since the director has only been on the job for 10 days so far.

BUT STILL. If he turned down Finnick I will weep.


tahirire April 28 2012, 17:32:06 UTC



heidi8 April 28 2012, 17:39:47 UTC
I do agree with you, I really do. But if it WAS IM3 and NOT Hunger Games that means that the role of Finnick may not have been offered yet and we can hope for one of them to be offered it....


tahirire April 28 2012, 17:42:52 UTC

I am doing the Marvel Marathon next week, I AM SO EXCITED.


heidi8 April 28 2012, 18:03:19 UTC
I am too! Although I am not 100% sure I will sit through all of Incredible Hulk. I plan to livetweet the whole thing (even if that means sitting in the back row of the theater so I don't bother anyone with the light).

And this icon? Is from one of the pre-release posters from Iron Man from maybe the end of 2007 or earlyearly 2008. Always, RDJ. Always.


tahirire April 28 2012, 18:05:59 UTC


I have Cappy, Iron Man, and Avengers t-shirts and I shall be changing in between movies, lmao. I couldn't find anything good for Hulk or Thor, but I found this adorable Marvel headlines fabric and I'm making a backpack out of it to smuggle in food things. :D (I was assuming Hulk is the Ed Norton version and not the Eric Bana version, yes? If it is, I might make it through. I mean, RDJ comes in at the end, after all. ;)


heidi8 April 28 2012, 20:59:10 UTC
THAT is so brilliant! I have my "Keep Calm, You Were Made to be Ruled" shirt for everything :D but I love your plan SO much more.

And yes, the Hulk is the Norton, and I still feel like I'd rather be at the Cheesecake Factory or Lush for most of it. My husband is going to miss half of Thor to be on a conference call. But you know what? That's still totally ok.

Wow, I need more Avengers icons.


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