Yay baby!! :D (Yes that baby. Like everyone doesn't know.)

Mar 21, 2012 00:47

Welcome to the world, Little One.

Just so you know, you've got a great gig. You don't know your parents yet, but that's okay. You've been listening to their voices for quite some time now. Next you'll get to watch them and learn the kinds of things they do. After that, you'll be able to talk to them when they ask you things, and sooner than you can imagine, you'll learn that they are incredible, amazing people who love you very much. They have big hearts, your parents. They are the kind of human beings that people feel blessed to be around. They have sweet, gentle, and kind spirits. They are silly and laid back and fun, but don't let that fool you - they will protect you with everything they have.

When you get a little older, we'll have a talk about maybe cutting them some slack, and how not to leave your bag on train station platforms, and how you shouldn't listen to anything Uncle Misha says.  For now though, just kick back and enjoy your brand new life.

Everyone is glad you're here. :)

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