Icons recc!

Mar 16, 2012 10:12

I just realized I don't think I have a tag for an icon recc post, lol. WELL ANYWAY. Check out THE MOST ADORABLE QUOTE ICONS IN THE HISTORY OF TIME, by eyestoowide. Also be sure to scroll the comments for extras - she is filling requests because apparently she is made of awesome. For instance, I requested some Bobby, Cas, and Winchester logic, and she did them for me in this comment thread.


Also, HOW EXCITED AM I that Show is back!? *bouncebounce* It's been a really up-down week this week, but eeeeeee, at least tonight, there will be Show. In the meantime, school is gearing up to kick me arse in the next 5 weeks, and I'm sewing my fingers off (no really, I have to ice my right hand twice a day just to keep cutting out fabric) trying to keep on top of projects, but it is paying off BIG for me right now, so I'm very happy. Lots of cool big news coming down the pike regarding our upcoming fashion show. :D

In random 'things I wonder about' ponderings - would a baby be extra lucky if it were to be born on St Patrick's day even if technically it is not a prime number day?

is this real life?, squee, icons, late night conversations, glass case of emotion, epic show pwns everything

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