Saturday with Grandma

Feb 04, 2012 23:38

Yep. This is what I did today.

Hubby and I took his Grandma shooting and we played with our newest addition - the AR-15. She shot it before I did, lol, and she didn't take too many shots but by golly she hit the cardboard at 50 yards.

Pics of how me and my new boyfriend made out under the cut.

Not too shabby for our first run. Shot at about 50 yards. He cracks like a whip but has almost zero recoil. I think I found my new preferred zombie apocalypse gun. Light, adjustable, long-range capabilities up to 200 yards with a scope - hells yeah.

Hubby killing clay pigeons.

Also put about 50 rounds through my little sig saur - it's been just her and me since high school, really, so it's nice to get to take her out once in a while - and pumped about 100 shells through the shotgun between us before we finally got tired. OH OH and one of the guys brought out this German World War 1 rifle, and it was SWEET shooting. It kicked like a horse but it was dead center every time. It gave me a shoulder hickey, lol - not quite a bruise.

All in all, pretty much the perfect Saturday.

holy crap on a cracker, art imitates life imitating art, but it's *science!*, fear does not exist inside this dojo, is this real life?, tahirire needs counseling, i don't have a tag for this ..., crack, there's a visine for that, fear the wrath of the eta, what am i the master of again?, people who should be paid, picspam, glass case of emotion, hell yes, don't kill me

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