Signal Boost: Sashi's story

Jan 26, 2012 10:19

Because sometimes being a part of this fandom makes me really, really freaking proud. And if you're in it too, you should know about this.

For those of you that don't Tweet or Tumble, I thought I'd pass this along. If you are new to the Supernatural fandom, you may not have seen this happen before. I have seen it happen many times, and it never gets old. This fandom may be certifiably insane, it may be highly dysfunctional, it may make the Hatfield and McCoy feud look like a game of Rock Paper Scissors, but at the end of the day we really are a family. We take care of each other when no one else will, and we are blessed with a cast and crew that pitch in and help right alongside us. :)

Yesterday (or was it 2 days ago now?) tumblr launched a campaign to raise money for one of our own, Sashi, who is in desperate need of surgery and has been denied financial assistance by the government. A friend of hers made a blog post to beg for information about good doctors in her area, other places she could apply for help, etc... and like so often with this fandom, everything just snowballed.

A few hours later, Sashi posted this video on youtube.

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Then, by last night, she had an update.

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Kim Rhodes has now at this point personally contacted Sashi about using her name as a referral to get in with her doctor. (I think I'm understanding that correctly. Kim has also been treated for endo, and she reached out to Sashi as soon as she heard the news.)

The latest news as I have heard it is that fandom has raised about 20k. She already had 9k in hospital bills from her ER visits, and she has scheduled the laparoscopy she has to have in order to set up the hysterectomy she needs, which is another 5k. The actual hysterectomy will be much, much more than the balance, and she will need meds and living expenses to be covered while she's in recovery.

ETA: Now this morning, the girl that set up the donate for Sashi blog posted a thank you video as well.

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I just wanted to share this story with you, but here are the links if you wish to be involved. If you want to be involved but can't donate, please boost the signal, and you can also check out the tumblr fundraiser blog if you feel like offering commisions of art or fics for donations.

Sashi's paypal email is Every dollar helps.
Donate for Sashi blog/commisions list

ETA: Update this morning from Sashi's Tumblr:

I forgot the most important bit of info! My paypal account now has $34,000 in it!

The goal my friends set up was like 30k, right? And it is now over that and I’m still getting so much love and I just alkjfahsfkljashfajk The vast majority of the donations were under 10 dollars each, there are just THAT MANY PEOPLE. YOU ARE ALL AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL SOULS AND I WANT TO GO TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOUR HOUSES AND BAKE YOU CUPCAKES AND WE’LL GO ON A PICNIC UNDER A RAINBOW AND EVERYTHING WILL BE BEAUTIFUL AND NOTHING WILL HURT. Because I just cannot even begin to express my gratitude, and I will never be able to thank you all enough. I love you all like my own family, because that’s what you all became to me these past two days. My family.

fear does not exist inside this dojo, fear the wrath of the eta, when our powers combine, is this real life?, tv: supernatural, people who should be paid, campaign, glass case of emotion

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