708: Wherin the Cake is Most Definitely a Lie

Nov 16, 2011 01:40

708: Season 7, Time for a Wedding!

(All of the amazing gifs are by fiercelynormal)

I was going to REVIEW review this episode, but you know what? I'm tired. And stupid people have been annoying me all night. So, uh. This is pretty much just rambling.

First things first:

Oh, Show. *sigh* Only you would take my favorite two writers and saddle them with that ... piece of work. You are fired for horribly underusing their brilliance. They, on the other hand, get promotions for managing to actually make some sort of sense out of the entire thing.

(Side note - it was driving me NUTS where I'd seen that outfit Dean is wearing before, and you would not believe how deep into my external hard drive I had to dig around for these pictures because holy crap old, but I HAD TO KNOW. I shouldn't even be admitting that, right? Oh well it's late. And it's not the same. But it's CLOSE.)

While I'm thinking about writers and plot devices, has everyone read THIS FIC? because it is so hysterically amazing.

Regarding Dean:

I love this season because it is the Season of Fixing Dean.

See, Dean was never supposed to live. He promised to save Sam or die trying - and he did, but he came back. Then he promised to stop the apocalypse and he did, but Sam jumped into the pit without him, and the only promise he had left to keep was the hardest promise he'd ever made - to live. He did that, and then he promised himself he'd get Sam's soul back, and he did, and then he promised to glue Sam back together after the wall fell down, and he did, and now he's just ... alive. All of the promises are kept, all of his obligations, everything right down to that November 2nd when John said 'take your brother outside as fast as you can', he's ... done.


So what now? That's the question of this season. He can't exactly retire, and yeah, the leviathans are a problem, but it isn't like Sam being Lucifer and Dean being Michael. There are other hunters out there again - anyone can help handle this. It doesn't have the words 'Winchester' and 'Dean' and 'Sam' and 'fate' stamped all over it. For the first time in their lives, the Winchesters are off the book. Literally.


(Yeah ... he doesn't know)

Sooo ... Dean goes to VEGAS!!! \o/

I love that there is Vegas week!!!! I love that every single year, Sam goes even though he HATES Vegas, and I love that even this year, when he insisted he'd had enough and just wanted some peace and quiet, he had already abandoned his hiking to head back to hang out with Dean (because peace and quiet without Dean's constant prattling is the wrong kind of peace and quiet, and Lucifer kept asking if there were extra marshmallows), because if he hadn't been, Becky never would have found him there, yes?

But in all honesty, this is a great scene.

Dean obviously feels disappointed that Sam chose not to join him, but he's taking it as evidence that Sam is feeling like himself and he doesn't seem concerned that Sam is still upset with him, it's just ... without Sam, he doesn't know what he's supposed to be DOING. And the other shoe just keeps NOT DROPPING and this CAN'T LAST FOREVER, CAN IT and surely Sam will IMPLODE and NEED HIM and .... I can't say I blame him for hanging on to that feeling. It's been his whole life, and let's face it - this IS Show, and so we know that Dean ain't wrong to not want to let his guard down. :(


(I have always thought that there was Vegas week, but the only time I ever wrote about it I moved it to Atlantic City. *shrug* Also that is the only fic in which I ever dosed anyone with a potion, except it was Dean. Weird.)

But then, Sam needs him after all!!! Can I just say I LOVE THIS SHOT!? Soooo Hitman.

I can't really think of anything to say here, I just love this picture. I'll never look at my stove the same way again.

Regarding Becky

This is going to be the part where I make it pretty clear that when it comes to Show, I have no fourth wall. Sorry.

When we first met Becky, she made me want to take a nice, loooong hazmat shower. Which is kudos, really, to the actress who plays her, because she is brilliant at it. I'd sort of love to meet her at a convention. Which I guess would be uber-meta, somehow.

But I digress.

Outside the realm of Show's reality, if one wants to be a slasher and be the webmistress for www.morethanbrothers.net and objectify the shit out of Sam, then one will, and one will enjoy oneself, I suppose, and technically one would not be harming anyone. One would also not be on my flist, but that's another story.

Once Becky was brought into Show's reality, however, Sam and Dean were suddenly real people. We saw a little more of her and learned that really, her loyalties lay not with Sam and Dean at all, but with Chuck and his work. She loved the books, and the mental image of Sam that she got from the books, but really all of that loved tied back in to Chuck, who 'created' what she loved.

But now, we see that she decided to go and get him and keep him for herself. Let alone the fact that she seriously should have known better than to trust that guy, let alone that she abducted Sam and forced him to marry her, let alone that she HIT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH A WAFFLE IRON, which is SO PUSHING MY LIMIT OF BELIEVABLE CONCUSSIONS ONE PERSON CAN SUSTAIN IN A LIFETIME, BY THE WAY ...

Let alone that she is a Dean hater, which:  D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: WHY?

Letting alone ALL of that, my biggest problem with Becky is this - even after EVERYTHING, she still thinks of Sam as just a character.  ("Then you had that arc about being a freak...")

I get the whole playing of the loser card. She even makes this face that is just so totally sad, but ... SHE READ EVERY BOOK. She knows - KNOWS! - everything he's been through, and she's decided to put him through even MORE crap!?

Screw you, Becky.

You of all people should know better. You never actually cared about Sam and you don't deserve to know him.  I hope Dean doubles back and kills you and I am never subjected to your hazmat-shower-craving-inducing face ever again.

Regarding consent issues

I will be the first person to say that I watched that episode with a bottle of something alcoholic in my hand, and that my skin felt like it was trying to crawl off for hours afterward, however, after getting over my initial skeeved-outedness, my stance on the issue of consent itself as brought fourth by Show is the same as it has always been.

But here, have someone else's opinion on the subject. She is so much more to-the-point than me.
(flister who I didn't ask permission to quote from):

Although if we're being meta about it, fandom did to Sam on Show, what fandom does to Sam in fandom. So?

Dear writers,
Stop hitting Sam in the head with heavy objects. My suspension of disbelief has limits.

:D See? Perfection. :D

Regarding the rooftop confession:

Mostly my reaction was "HIIIIII JARED AND JENSEN!! HIIIIII!!!!! :D :D :D" Because LOL. Hi. But otherwise -

I love that someone gave Dean a hug! \o/

I think Garth was great for Dean - sure, he was only mildly helpful, but Dean actually did what Ellen wanted and started to let himself trust someone else, just a little. It's a good start. Also you could tell he started liking the guy in spite of himself - he forbade him from going out with Becky, LOLOL. Oh, Dean.

Dear Shippers: I don't usually condone this kind of thing, but if you are going to make this a pairing, could you please call it 'Darth'? For me? *bats eyelashes* There hasn't been a clever pairing name since Sassy and Shazam went away. :(

I like that Sam takes the time to make sure Dean still knows he NEEDS him, just, not, you know, to tie his shoes. I like that he makes sure Dean understands he really is still crazy, because it means he is sticking with being honest with Dean no matter what it may make Dean think of him.

I like that Dean continues to insist that hiking and camping is for hippies.

Dear Sam,

'Dude, you camp!" - really? You know better than that. OH WAIT, I forgot Sam isn't in this scene. Ok well in that case, Jared is excused for not remembering Dean hates camping. Jared can't be expected to remember these things. After all, that was over a hundred episodes ago.

That's pretty much it, I think! I leave you with a list of Things that Made Me Flail.

Major Pros:

1) Sam wanting Dean at his wedding and pink being for loyalty and Dean demanding he be asked for permission first and and and

1b) ALL OF DEAN'S FAAAACE. Dean watching Becky walk out and then hitting Sam with the Double!!flail arms!? PRICELESS!! I mean really - this is the best gif in the history of TIME.

2) Exploding cake!title card of AMAZING.

3) Garth! Not only was he adorbs and totally socially awkward, but he is friends with a tri-racial paraplegic sniper!
Which clearly makes him awesome. I'm so glad he didn't die. Also, he has Sam's it-was-night-and-now-it's-day logic.

4) Jared snuggling Becky's journal. Yessir, I saw U thar. You are totally precious.

5) Sam told Becky "Fuck you!" Right before she said "I love you too!", go watch it again. I died. You tell her, Sam.
(Or ok, I guess it could have been screw you, but fuck you makes me happier so there)

7) KUDOS to Andy and Dan for remembering that Becky was the first person in Show to say Crowley's name. Kind of a cool full circle moment there.

Crowley for OWS president!!
*avoids thrown objects*

meta, samhair watch, fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, sam!, thinky-thoughts, is it on me i feel like its on me, episode review

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