TV post of doom & RL update

Nov 07, 2011 01:16

BREAK WEEK! Seriously, it is stupid how little writing time I have while school is in session. I completely fail at fannishniss this year. Spoilers for like every show ever under the cut.

1) Supernatural, S7

I don't care how busy I am, this WILL get its own post. Suffice it to say that I LOVE this season. LOVE. LOOOOVE. Lovelovelove. So much. In fact, my ultimate fantasy wishlist of Things I've Always Wanted to See on Show is pretty much down to 2 things. 1) Sparring and 2) Sam owning his powers. The first seems nearly likely given how many other scenes have been crossed off of my list, but I'm starting to lose faith that I'll ever get the second. Considering how long the list used to be, though, I have no room to be pouty. I LOVE THIS SEASON. (Number one squee-out-loud moment? JODY/BOBBY, WOOT! *fistpump*)


2) Supernatural Anime

FINALLY starting to watch this. Once I got my schizophrenic dvd system to turn of the closed captioning, I got completely sucked in. See #2 on my wishlist up top? Anime!Sam is SO. BADASS. The art and action sequences are GORGEOUS. Dean is ... not Jensen's Dean. But I can live with him. He's got heart, and he bickers the right way, so he feels mostly right so far for s1/s2 Dean. Still, I can't wait to get to the finale episodes and hear Jensen's Dean again. Jared is kicking ass in this series, so proud of him. Hell of a good job for his first attempt at voice over. SAM! <3_<3 I am only up to the Bloodlust replacement episode so far, but I love it.

3) Game of Thrones

JUST finished Game of Thrones. HOLY FREAKING. Ok, I called the big season ending *surprises*, but still. EEEEEEEDDD!!!!!! *sobs forever* I'm in love with Tyrion, is that normal? I think it probably must be. Also I'm a little in love with Rob. O.o When did Rob grow up!? And why did no one tell me TONKS was in this show!? And OMG THE BEBBEH DRAGONS!!!! SO CUTE!!!

4) Vampire Diaries

This show is really freaking good, you guys. I can't really explain it but the pacing and the tightness of the writing keeps blowing me away. Every single episode ends with me either screaming at my screen or sitting on the edge of the couch with my mouth just hanging open in shock. This season might be my favorite yet. Stefan actually GOT to me! TWICE! O.o  Damon and Alaric are still my boys, though. :)

5) The Walking Dead

Daryl. That is all.

OH NO WAIT - Also, OH, RICK. I can't hate him you guys, I just can't. He's a good man. Everything just ... ahhh, everything just SUCKS. *sob*
(I didn't see today's episode yet so no spoilers plz)

6) Oh I forgot Castle! Shame on me.

Castle is continuing to be seriously good, as well. I just wish - why is it that season 4 of any show is always the Season of Epic Lying to Your Loved Ones? Hmm?

One of these days I should really go to bed. In other quick catch up news, I quit my job (yay!) and immediately my dog tore the cruciate ligament in her knee (boo) which WOULD have been 600 if I'd still worked there but would be 1200 now that I don't (boo) only I know the surgeon that does it and she'll do it for me downtown at the spay/neuter clinic for 800 (yay! and also boo).

So my dog is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. Spending so much time recently worrying about my own dog made it hit me a little harder yesterday when I heard about Harley, my heart just broke for Jared and all of Harley's other dads and moms; dogs really are a part of our family.

I finished this term's worth of classes (yay) with straight A's again (yay) but we only get a week break until next term and I've had the Cold That Won't Die + 2x inner ear and sinus infection for the last 2 weeks (boo). We pulled off the Divine zombie apocalypse thing and it was fun (yay) but it wasn't a real flash mob (boo) so that was kind of sad, but I do love our video, so I'm calling it a win. (yay).

THEN my cat (MY cat, not one of me and my husband's cats, my little girl cat that I've had since college the first time) got really sick and it turns out she's extremely hyperthyroid (boo) but they have a diet that treats that now instead of pills, (yay) except she'll be their first patient to use it so we don't know if it works. (boo).

Basically, the last 3 weeks or so have been a roller coaster ride. But I'm around and I check  all the posts even if I don't have time to comment on them, and I'm thinking about you guys. <3

is this real life?, fear does not exist inside this dojo, fear the wrath of the eta, tv

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