Oct 07, 2011 16:23

Someone asked me for a reason that I think Sam and Dean are still watchable characters that has nothing to do with them being hot. I had a lot of reasons lined up, but then I realized that isn't the issue. Obviously this person has fallen out of love. That's okay, it happens. (Both in real life and in fandoms, of course.) The thing is, someone else telling you why they are still in love when you aren't isn't going to change your mind, I think.

So I decided to answer that question by answering a different question instead.

Sam and Dean are more than just characters to me, so that's a hard question. Because to answer it you have to be thinking from an objective-type writing-style standpoint. The more I thought about that, the more I realized that actually, the answer is the same either way. Whether they feel more like family to you than just people on your screen, or whether they represent pure entertainment - they aren't done yet. I don't mean the number of seasons they get. I mean them, personally, their written journey.

There comes a time in every great story where the hero goes through a dark phase. Sometimes it feels like maybe you've lost that character, like they are so far gone they can never come back, and it hurts so much to think that you've lost them in that way that you want to close the book, click the tv off and move on. The thing is, that's okay. That character doesn't need you to complete the journey - they get to where they are getting to with or without you. (They aren't 'real', after all.) The author doesn't know you - he already has your money, or your ratings, and he's set whether you finish it out or not. The only person that loses out is you, the Watcher. Because if you quit, no matter how bad you feel at the time, then you'll never get to see how your character pulls him or herself up by the bootstraps. You'll never have that moment, that critical turning point when they started to win, to look back on when you need to dig deep into yourself and find some of that same brand of courage. You'll be eternally paused at that dark place. I could never handle that.

So, my advice to this person is, if you ever loved Sam and Dean in the first place, don't give up on them. I promise you, the boys you loved are still in there. I could cite examples until I'm blue in the face, but it's clear that you don't see it, and that's okay. But they ARE still there. And they WILL be back. Don't close the book too early. Stay and see how proud they make you in the end. :)

Flist, please weigh in with actual answers! Your comment must include at least one of the following:

The reason I can't quit Dean is :

The reason I can't quit Sam is:

The reason SamnDean still own me is:

Thanks!! :D :D :D

flistofawesome, question, epic show pwns everything, samndean own my soul

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