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feliciakw September 29 2011, 03:01:24 UTC
I reserve the right to change my mind at a moment's notice, but here's what I'd kind of like to see ( ... )


tahirire September 29 2011, 03:21:01 UTC
I have no problem with Michael maybe getting out of the cage, but I don't see Jensen ever playing him. Dean never said yes to Michael, and he certainly wouldn't have a reason to do so NOW. However, it would be nice if this linked somehow into getting Adam out. I personally can't shake the thought that now that Sam is out, Adam isn't safe in there anymore. *quiver*

We'll just have to wait and see!


themonkeytwin September 29 2011, 03:47:21 UTC
Hmmm some more, because you just made me realise that we saw meat on meathooks, and assuming it's a memory-hallucination of Sam's - but so far we DON'T know who's meat it was ... and who put it there. You really think Adam was SAFER in there because Sam was too? I'll just leave you with that thought, to pay you back from making me worry that we're STILL not done with angels and back to simple monsters. *shakes fist at you*

(I liked the angel story line fine. But I'm also happy to be moving on to something new.)


tahirire September 29 2011, 03:56:00 UTC
Oh totally. Sam would protect Adam if he could.


because I like it evil too themonkeytwin September 29 2011, 20:13:25 UTC
feliciakw September 29 2011, 09:21:52 UTC
I know it's a long shot that Jensen would play Michael, but provided that they return Michael to awesomeness, there's a teeny tiny part of me that still wants to see Jensen in the role.

I've often wondered if Adam is in the Cage at all. Michael told Dean "Adam isn't in right now" (or whatever), and the angels did promise him that if he went along with their plan, he could see his mom again. For good or for ill, the angels thus far have pretty much done what they said they would.

Brain is only working at half speed. I hope that made sense.


tahirire September 29 2011, 10:37:20 UTC
Same. I've always thought it made more sense for Adam to be in Heaven - but this show, eh. Who knows.


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