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blackcat333_99 September 29 2011, 02:07:03 UTC
That was a very curious wording. I wonder if it was meant to imply that Castiel still worried that if Michael got loose he could take out even a powered-up Cas, being that Michael was hailed to be the Big Kahuna, supposed to be able to take out Lucifer, so the bigger threat actually comes from Michael, rather than Lucifer. And for all that Castiel placed himself on the level of God, he never stated that he was more powerful than God, just that he was BETTER than God because he was active not absent. And Michael was God's supposed Champion as well as blindly obedient son who would undoubtedly take great issue with Castiel's current stance on God (unlike Lucifer, who would probably say "duh, I told you so" to Cas.

I dunno. Frankly, I would love it if Michael DID get out of the Cage, a hard lesson about manipulating Fate/Destiny learned, and went back to tending Heaven and cleaning up the mess that Cas had created upstairs, perhaps figuring "screw it, leave the humans to their own devices" a'la The End, when the Heavenly Host had apparently abandoned Earth to Lucifer's devices.

Hmm. Must ponder on some more... :)


tahirire September 29 2011, 02:31:58 UTC
I agree that it would be nice if Michael ended up that way. I think it would be epic if, next week, we get Jake as hallucination!Michael right along with hallucination!Lucifer.

THE ANGST, IT IS SO YUMMEH. And sad and skeery and sob-inducing.

... but I'm concentrating on yummeh. ;)


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