Horrendously overdue 701 flail post

Sep 26, 2011 20:24

We use the Omniversitudinal squee instead of the transcendental because IT SPANS ALL THE UNIVERSES, OKAI!?

1) New Title Card reminds me of Hexxus from Fern Gully from when I was a kid. Which used to give me nightmares. So, once again, Show has snuck into my brain and tried to kill me in my sleep.
2) CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS. Ok lookit. Everyone in the world knows that Andy and Dan are my favorite writers, yes? Yes. But dude. DUDE. Sera fit SO MUCH THINGS into this one episode. It was WORLDS smoother than the finale, and felt much longer than it was. Totally a Devil's Trap type vibe, I LOVED it. Cas's whole arc in 40 some-odd minutes was fantastically done and didn't feel rushed or unbelievable at all. Felt like old!Sera for all but like 3 lines that were blatant fan pandering. Anyway, KUDOS.
3) I don't know if it was because it was a direct continuation or what, but FINALLY THEY ARE LETTING JARED DO SAM'S HAIR FROM THE FIRST EPISODE, LOL. YESSS. (Usually it takes 3-4 episodes to settle down, ha.)

4) Suprise!Mark P!!! HE IS MAH BOYFRAAAN, HAI BOYFRAAN!!!! **swoons** I know that I'm a Sam girl and Sam will probably always own my soul but I MISSED MARK P SO MU-HU-HUUUUCH. I think it's his inflections that make me love him so... the way he says 'With me' is so perfect, hnnngh.
5) Dean. DEAN. Dean is so shell-shocked. *clings and holds* He just lost EVERYONE. He can't even try to hope that Sam is okay because he just knows he won't be. He's breaking my heart. And he was wearing his I-Just-Want-My-Family-Back red plaid shirt from Shadow and AHBL 2 and HE IS BREAKING MY HEART.
6) Daddy pills? Really? *eyebrows*
7) Sam. Calling Cas and believing in Cas and wanting to help Cas omCas
8) I. LOVE. Death. I love him. I love his sarcasm, his love of fried food, and how he really does like Dean even if he pretends not to. I also like that he warned poor Mr. and Mrs. whasstheirface that he wasn't their to reap them, lol. Poor Mr. and Mrs. whasstheirface.
9) SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. More than anything, it was the flinch that hurt the most. Next episode I may need alcohol.
10) MISHA! :D How amazing was he, seriously? I LOVED his portrayal of the Leviathans. Loved. So creepy and awesome and CREEPY and Joker-like and CREEPY. But Caaas. *wibble* I can't quite bring myself to believe he's dead. Wings or it didn't happen.

Suffice it to say, this season is already kicking ass. I cannot WAIT to see what happens. The new promo is AMAZING. (Dear Mr CW's new President, thanks for all the extra cash! You are SMRT.)

episode reaction, epic show pwns everything

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