
Sep 23, 2011 15:15

NEW SHOW TONIGHT! Every time summer break comes along, I breathe a little sigh of relief because then I have time to do other things, like read. But ultimately, every time Show comes back, it is pretty much the most exciting day of the year, heh.

Today is now DOUBLE exciting because I got my Pottermore email! I am owldust186, please add me but remind me who you are because it's been so long since I got the account now that I forget all yer faces. *smish*

I have 1) The Anime  2) The Walking Dead  3) The s6 Special features  and 4) TVD and Big Bang from last night all to watch tonight at Vikki's before it is Show time. SO EXCITE! I miss my relaxing TV-land Friday afternoons. :D

Buckle up, folks. Things about ta git real.

*Arms self*

flail, friday, epic show pwns everything

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