Catch-up post of DOOOOOM!

Aug 13, 2011 23:53


Just finished another term at school, which means I can now take a breather and not do any homework for a few weeks and ~*GASP*~ maybe even write something!!! O.o O.o O.o

Let's see, where to begin ....

So, this last term I took Textiles, Sketching 2, and Clothing Construction 1. I was terrified going into textiles b/c the teacher is SKEERY! All of the STUDENTS were TERRIFIED of her! She gives WAYYYYY TOO MUCH HOMEWORK!

It ended up not being so bad. It WAS a ton of work, for sure, and you had to keep up with it, but I managed to slide through somehow. I think I got straight A's again.

I love my construction teacher, she is who I worked with for the Bridal lab, so we knew each other. I ended up so far ahead in that class that I've already made up the week I am going to miss of next term while I am at Dragon con, lol. There is already a marked improvement in my professionalism when it comes to sewing, I love it.

Speaking of cons and fannish type things, Comic Con happened, and while I wasn't there, IT SPAWNED THESE!!!




And then I got into Pottermore early!! ♥_♥

Work continues to suck. Giant. Balls. They are extending our hours AGAIN - now we will be open from 7-11.

However, in an attempt to circumvent having to stay there for any length of time longer, I got a jeweler license and am now a Premier Jewelry Lady Person. My first show was tonight. I can totally handle this. I'm hoping it will be a good, flexible part time job, but I'm trying not to get too excited about it too quickly.

This semester really did kill me dead, though. Even though I dropped back to part time at work, I had zero free time the last 10 weeks. I started taking yoga and I hired my instructor to do a meal plan for me to help me lose weight. I had already cut pretty much all the Bad Things out of my diet - but... but ... SHE TOOK AWAY CHEESE!! And she makes me COOK ALL MY FOOD! O.O

The following pretty much sums up how I feel about the whole situation.


On the other hand, in the first week on the plan, I lost 5 pounds!

Right now, the only thing I can think about is FORCING myself to relax for a bit before my EPIC JOURNEY with blacklid to VANCON and lotr_lemmy  to DRAGONCON all in a two-week time frame.

Plans for this said 'forced' relaxing include:

Monday: Yoga, then bank, then All three Extended Edition LOTR movies BACK TO BACK TO BACK with Bryon! And CHINESE FOOD! ♥ We have always wanted to do it and now we can!!

Tuesday: Work the closing shift, BOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Wednesday: OFF! Spend day sewing Dragon con costumes and making She-Ra armor at Dana's house!!

Thursday: SPA DAAAAAY! Nails, Hair, all that jazz. :D

Friday/Saturday: Work ALL DAY. BOOOOOOOOOOO.

That sums up my next week plans (mainly). Then the NEXT week I spend getting ready for the TRIP OF DOOOM.

.... I think that's enough stuff, don't you? *G*

yes it can haz final cut pro on it stop bothering me okay

OH OH PEE ESS PEE ESS! I got a new car!!

He is a Decepticon and his name is Buzzkill. I love him. He wears StormTrooper armor. He is cloaked most of the time as a 2011 Ford Fiesta. SHHHH DON'T TELL ANYONE OUR SEEKRIT OR WE WILL CUT YOU.


is this real life?

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