May 20, 2011 14:13

Ok, folks. I'm unplugging until After. I'm on my way to Vikki's house to spend the afternoon getting just the right amount of buzzed. I have my Sam shirt, my Dean jacket, my own personal Amulet of Protection, and this magic stuff from Sephora that makes your eyeliner waterproof.


ETA: I think the Rapture was actually tonight. ;)

i stole blacklid's tag again, fangirling costs money, sam is dean and dean is sam, fear does not exist inside this dojo, epic show pwns everything, it ate my brain, i don't have a tag for this ..., could i have any more tags that are ques, dean!, there's a visine for that, we all gunna daieee!!, john!, stalking ur doin it wrong, blacklid sucks me into things, i before e except after icwydt, what am i the master of again?, *dies*, is that an owl i see before me?, anansi boys, flail, samhair watch, people who should be paid, bobby!, i stole refurs tag again, gore!, samndean, art imitates life imitating art, but it's *science!*, guh, hurt/comfort, samndean own my soul, tahirire needs counseling, tv: supernatural, sam!, crack, winchesters, flistofawesome, ohnoz its lilith, fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, fear the wrath of the eta, when our powers combine, we caught the narnia, ohnoes, tahirire is a tag theif, ow, relevant relevant relevant, special hell, don't chagrin me, omgwtfbbq, because its wrong, is it on me i feel like its on me, angst, magic hate ball answers stupid questions, angels are so not obiwan, come fly with me, wiki is for cheaters

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