
Apr 08, 2011 00:03

Today was a tough day for my clinic. We'd all known it was coming for a long time, but this morning, Dr Michelle finally had to put Buddy to sleep. If you'd met him, you wouldn't forget him, ever. He had a lot of problems, but it never stopped him from being happy to see us, even today. His 'dad', Kenny,  loved him more than any person in the world could have ever loved another soul. He was a fighter. There won't ever be another one quite like him. There wasn't a dry eye in the clinic for hours. All the employees were so wrecked that random people in the lobby who didn't even know what was going on were crying.

I wasn't there this morning. I was relieved, but also I feel like I let Kenny down somehow, too. He'd asked for me and a few other people last week but then Buddy seemed to be taking a turn for the better, so he didn't show up then. Buddy was like that, always kept us guessing. Kenny is supposed to come in tomorrow to pick up the last of Buddy's things. I'm going to lose it when I see him, but it's okay. I lost it just talking to him about the possibility about a month ago, so he knows.

Goodbye, Buddy. Taking care of you was never a burden, and even though 5 years wasn't a long enough time to have known you, I'm glad we got to spend them together.  I promise we'll take care of your dad for you. I hope wherever you are now, you are done with resting.

*hugs Kitana*

is this real life?, work sucks, sadness

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