HA! Too bad for you, buddy. I KNOW all of my relatives. :P

Jan 28, 2011 09:45

LOL with me, won't you? I got this email today through facebook. Scammers be gettin' LAAAAAZY up in here! :D

I am Barristercarver jones,a solicitor at law and a personal attorney to Late Mr. T. B Holley ,
a national of your country here in after referred to as my 'client'. My client worked as an independent contractor here in Lome Togo.He has an estate what of $8.4m.The management of the Finance Firm has issued me a notice as the personal attorney to the deceased costumer that I should present a next of kin so that the fund left behind in their custody should be released to him or her.

Once I ascertain your willingness, I will furnish you with more information.

Reply me at: mosanmbo@gmail.com

Best regards
Barr. jones

ETA 1: http://www.joewein.de/sw/419-barrister-lome-togo.htm

ETA 2: So, I go to 'report' this email, and these are my options:

All reports are strictly confidential. What best describes this?
  • Credible threat of violence
  • Sexually explicit
  • Block this person

REALLY, facebook? REALLY? Excuse me while I add you to the list of giant corporations getting angry emails from me this week. :P

is this real life?, lolwhut, is it on me i feel like its on me, fear the wrath of the eta, magic hate ball answers stupid questions

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