Converts = endless entertainment

Jan 14, 2011 22:43

Over the summer I got my office manager (and several other people, but we'll focus on her for now) and her husband hooked on Show. They marathoned 1-5 in about a month and caught up just in time to start s6 in real time. (Converts are ALWAYS fun to watch when they hit real time for the first time, LOL.) Anyway, she has been making my day CONSTANTLY. I saved up a couple of stories for you guys.

1) For about 2 weeks, she was trying to get her husband to do the laundry. After last Friday's re-run, she had a brilliant idea. She scooped up all the laundry and dumped it in a pile. Then she placed a fresh bowl of half-and-half and left a note that said something like 'payment for laundry.' When she got home? Yeah. the laundry was done.

2) Their daughter, B, is on her class (help me out here - like, board? Idk, I never went to school. Anyway. She's like the president or vp or something.) ... committee of some kind. Part of her duties is that she has to help host movie nights at the school on Friday, and the first one this year is on Jan 28th. She told her dad, M, that she needed to get there early for set-up and stay late to help tear down and clean the gym. M told her that she wasn't allowed to stay for clean-up because his butt was going to be on the couch that night at 8:45, because Show was coming back, and that she could tell her teacher that. B is a very literal 10 year old, so she did. Verbatim. B's teacher then sent home a note to M. It simply read, "Oh, don't worry. So is mine."


Those of you who are in San Fran this weekend, have a blast for me! <3

is this real life?, lolwhut, lmao, epic show pwns everything, *dies*, samndean own my soul

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