Wank. That I should not be posting about. Especially on Vacation. Whatever.

Dec 05, 2010 13:18

I'm laying out my opinion on SOME of the rape/misogyny wank for once and for all. And I'm pulling out my Yoruichi icon, because she's the most bad-ass chick I know. Spoilers for 6.10.

In which I am not nice. )

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, mr beaumont dnw this fuckery, fear the wrath of the eta, we caught the narnia

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feliciakw December 5 2010, 19:02:01 UTC
Why have I not friended you yet? I usually wander over from links elsewhere.

I don't need the guys to be naked for me to enjoy my show. And I'd like to know if there are other people who think so, too.

I'll say this: I don't need it in Show, but I do appreciate it when it happens. Particularly given the fact that it usually makes sense within the scene or context. I think the only time we've seen Dean shirtless is when he's making love. Totally understandable context.

Sam's shirtlessness has been when stepping out of the shower, when making love/having sex, and when working out in the morning. Yeah, the workout was put in there for eye candy purposes, I'm sure, but it still made sense in the context of the scene and the information we were gaining from that scene.

If there were to be shirtless/nude torture scenes of the guys, they'd better have a plot-driven reason, rather than to be completely gratuitous.

Meg's torture scene . . . didn't really ring any klaxons for me, but the needle did twitch. It was uncomfortable--which is the point of a torture scene. We really didn't gain anything specific from the dialogue though. We got another reminder that there's someone in there with Meg, and that the demon doesn't care about the host. But the best part of that whole thing was when Meg started laughing, and told Chris, "Dean Winchester is behind you." (Because you know that's how monster kids scare each other on the playground. "Dean Winchester is behind you!" "Is not! Shut up!" "Haha! Scared ya!")

If you wanna read my take on it, there's a bit of conversation in my review post.

I've got some other thoughts on why the almost weekly references to rape (because "rape" has more than just the sexual violation meaning), but they sound kind of silly when I type them out.


tahirire December 5 2010, 22:36:14 UTC
We aren't friends? *blink* LOL, we talk so much I thought we were.

I'll say this: I don't need it in Show, but I do appreciate it when it happens.

Well, YEAH, I'm not going to be like EW SAM'S RIPPLING BICEPS, LOOK AWAAAAY. That would be silly. I agree with you - I appreciate that it only happens in logical and realistic situations, and I don't need it to be every 2 seconds, like say, how Smallville does it.

I LIKED the scene, because Meg was a total badass and reminded me of when Dean was torturing Alistair but Alistair was totally winning. I love Meg. ♥


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