Wank. That I should not be posting about. Especially on Vacation. Whatever.

Dec 05, 2010 13:18

I'm laying out my opinion on SOME of the rape/misogyny wank for once and for all. And I'm pulling out my Yoruichi icon, because she's the most bad-ass chick I know. Spoilers for 6.10.

In which I am not nice. )

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, mr beaumont dnw this fuckery, fear the wrath of the eta, we caught the narnia

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blackjedii December 5 2010, 18:27:22 UTC
Just passing through but -
Me personally? I'm not offended by the fact that Meg was tortured. I am bothered by the fact that she was completely naked but more than that, I was bothered by the pretty blatant place where she was being tortured. It wasn't just knife going in skin, but knife going in places where knives do not need to go.

THAT I have a problem with; and more than that, I have a serious problem that they went there in the first place. Supernatural's always been about the gore, but the gore was always (to me at least) over the top enough and absurd enough that it was fictional. This was a little too personal.

Torture isn't a big deal in this show, and hasn't been for years. (Especially given the flippant way that Dean can both point out how damaging it was for him and then turn around and do some pretty nasty things to monsters.) But this was just too much, and I'm kind of amazed that they'd go there at all.


tahirire December 5 2010, 18:31:03 UTC
And that's a completely legitimate opinion to have, for sure. (I mean, knives going where they aren't supposed to go is sort of the point of torture, but I do see what you mean.)

My thing is - ok, THAT I can get - but you're the first person I've actually seen say anything about that. I tend to scream at fandom at large in my rants. :)


blackjedii December 5 2010, 18:39:08 UTC
Most of the corners I've seen have been mainly cursing the Heavens about how terrible the episode itself was, and while there was plenty of anger directed at naked!Meg/Ruby, very little of it was followed by mentions of objectifying the boys in a similar manner.

Of course it's mainly been spn_heavymeta where ~most~ are reasonable, and TWoP where the vitriol either runs in the "I hate this show because it sucks now" / "I hate this show because it's so MEAN TO DEAN" variety.


tahirire December 5 2010, 19:51:15 UTC
Lol, yeah, I avoid TWoP like it has the plague. One thing to be said about this fandom - there are many, many corners and lots and LOTS of opinions. Which really is a good thing. Just sometimes ... *headshake*


blackjedii December 5 2010, 20:02:22 UTC
TWoP is good for being predictable, and the Power of the Modly Smackdown. (Which I really really wish would sometimes happen in LJ-land, especially in the land of the crazy anons)

But there is no totally safe non-wanky place. ;.; Maybe my trunk. There is nothing wanktastic in my trunk?


tahirire December 5 2010, 21:33:42 UTC
Is there enough room in the trunk for two?



blackjedii December 5 2010, 21:37:12 UTC
Maybe if I removed some ponies.

But why would I want to do that? PONIES!


tahirire December 5 2010, 22:02:38 UTC
You raise a valid issue. The rest of us shall just have to fend for ourselves.


blackjedii December 7 2010, 00:54:57 UTC
Sparkleberry Star the purple unicorn thanks you for your understanding.


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