
Oct 28, 2010 23:40

I *cough*wrotethisforthehorrormeme*cough* and it's *cough*notSupernatural*cough* only I *cough*usedSupernatural'srules*cough* and it's *cough*TheBlackStallion*cough* ...

Anyone have any cough syrup?

Short, no beta, no re-read, prompt was "According to myth, pookas--dangerous and devious fae shapeshifters with a taste for human flesh--often take on ( Read more... )

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, lolwhut, because its wrong, fanfic, we caught the narnia

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Comments 12

alec auroramama October 29 2010, 03:55:31 UTC
I love it. I wonder how many of us know the book and can see how wonderfully you've switched POVs? It should be possible to enchant a pooka, shouldn't it?


Re: alec tahirire October 29 2010, 14:06:39 UTC
Thank you! :)

I was trying to make it end with the feeling that Alec was in horrible danger, but I think instead it ended with the feeling that Alec just got the creepiest pet ever ... lol. Even in fanfic, you cannot make The Black want to hurt Alec. It is impossible. ♥


Re: alec auroramama October 29 2010, 20:30:01 UTC
Well, I didn't know for sure that it would be Alec in your version, so I was pretty scared for the boy. But once I knew... yeah. Even in canon, the Black could have let Alec die half a dozen times the first day.

Also, Alec pretty. I think I read it young enough to be merely annoyed by Alec being a boy and not a girl like me.


Re: alec tahirire October 29 2010, 23:07:08 UTC
Lol. I never started reading them until after I watched the movies, so I was already firmly in love with Alec. I don't even think I was in that crushes-on-boys phase yet, but I loved him.


bientot October 29 2010, 07:16:49 UTC
Back in the day Walter Farley was required reading (socially, not by schools!) in 6th grade...are kids still reading them? (This was not something I ever expected to see fanfic on - and it's AWESOME!)


tahirire October 29 2010, 14:07:41 UTC
I have nooooo idea, being that I don't know many kids. But I still have mine, so if I ever have a kid, MY kid will. :)

Thank you!


auroramama October 29 2010, 20:32:13 UTC
Both of mine are now into Warrior Cats. The girl has always loved stories, but the boy was all about the nonfiction until now. Next, who knows?


tabaqui October 29 2010, 13:40:47 UTC
I love the pooka=horse *so* much more than 'giant, invisible rabbit'.

Gorgeous, lovely stuff. :)


tahirire October 29 2010, 14:08:08 UTC
Thank you! I may never quite watch the movies the same way again, lol.


thenetwork October 29 2010, 19:37:04 UTC
That was... weird and wonderful, and very you. :)


tahirire October 29 2010, 23:07:49 UTC
Hee. I like this description. ♥


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