Oh, this is happening. In my head.

Oct 14, 2010 09:44


*clears throat*

This fanart makes me want to cosplay with Jensen Ackles. I'll be Aerith, and we can stand moodily back-to-back all day, talking to each other with just the power of our minds. Dilly dally shilly shally to you, Sir.

OOH. And we'll bring our best friends along, too. Jared will be Vincent Valentine and have the power to transform into Chaos. Oh wait, he already does. blacklid will be Tifa  and kick all of the Kadaj cosplayers asses for us b/c we'll be too busy emo brooding.

*sighs happily*

This entry has been brought to you by an intense and eternal love for all things Final Fantasy 7 related, ESPECIALLY Advent Children, and cosplay. Any resemblance, physical or otherwise, of any person alive or dead is pure coincidence.

jensen, lolwhut, art imitates life imitating art, artrec, cosplay, there's a visine for that

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