5.20 episode review, part 3

May 12, 2010 11:21

This has been bugging me since Abandon All Hope.

Since when does TABLE SALT repel Hellhounds? I seem to recall goofer dust and devil's shoestring were on the Things That Repel Hellhounds list ... but - and correct me if I'm wrong - table salt wasn't one of those things. And now twice we've seen them go for the table salt. I suppose if you don't have anything else, you grab what you have, but my impression was that it doesn't work.



That's bad, right!?

I love the Hellhound's pov shots, but I do wonder why they always have such tunnel vision. Either their eyes are in the very middle of their heads or they see by smell or sound or something and what we are getting is an echolocation type imprint view - like in Pitch Black.

Oooooh. Yes. Pitch Black.

And the first thing Sam does is try to SAVE BRADY.
*slow applause*


And then - just when you think he left them all alone - CROWLEY FTW!!!


Crowley's Hellhound is the Alpha, right? I bet that's like ... 100 + to badassery. And at least 30 + to dexterity and strength. Yikes.

The Hellhound fight is by far one of the coolest things Show has ever done. They're knocking stuff over, destroying the house - BLOOD IS FLYING EVERYWHERE ... it's EPIC!


I'd wager a thousand Crowley's pup wins, too. DUDE I WANT ONE.

It's quite possible I have a Hagrid complex.

If I were Dean, I wouldn't want to drive with both Crowley and Brady in the backseat.

There's another really good shot of that tree. It looks just like the tree in the Pilot. Hee.

Mostly we can count this one a win, since Brady coughed up the location of Pestilence. Crowley says he knows it's good because Brady has no reason left to lie. I think just being a demon has proven reason enough to lie, but in this case the info is good. Good thing, because that's about to be one dead demon.

Brady thinks he's screwed for eternity and Crowley says "No, you won't last that long. Trust me." 
It kind of makes me want to give Crowley a hug. Heheheh.

If this sequence doesn't just - *hands* - idk, set you on FIRE, then YOU ARE WATCHING IT WRONG!

Everybody knows how much I LOVED Sam in season 4. And not because he was 'evil', because he's never been evil. But because he was confidant. Because he was letting himself believe he could be the hunter he needed to be, and he was. He was so badass. Then they made the reveal about the demon blood and everyone jumped on the addict train and I was just kind of standing there going NO WAIT THAT'S NOT  - *FLAIL* - but LOOKIT!

This is the Sam I love to write. He's brimming power and strength and yes, anger, but he's so cold and calm with it just looking at him makes you want to freeze in place. He's completely focused, and you just know. This demon was dead the second it said Sam's name. LOOK!!! He never moves a MUSCLE.

Excuse me, I need ...

Where was I?

Oh yes.

I was staring incoherently at the Sam statue.

I had a point, I think.

Oh. Right. Thank you.

The point is, I haven't seen Sam like this since he faced off against Lilith, and if that doesn't underscore the fact that Sam's badassery has NOTHING, nor has it EVER had anything to do with the demon blood, then I don't know what would. He can access that same control of anger and draw on the same confidence without the power, and that makes me so, so proud of him.

This shot reminds me of The Untouchables. Anyone?

Know the only thing that makes me have more orgasms happier than seeing Sam stand up for himself?


Seriously. I'm sorry, if that doesn't make you want to run in circles around the room screaming hell yeah at the top of your lungs, THERE IS NO CURE FOR WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU.

Dean is backing Sam's play, standing guard but not interfering. He knows this is something Sam needs to do for himself. He can give Sam that - the chance to kill the thing that killed Jessica - the same thing he never got a chance to give his Dad when they were growing up. IT KILLS ME. It's so awesome!

Dean avenged his Mother's death himself. He knows what it's like to feel like finally, there can be at least some JUSTICE. He wants Sam to have that, and just .. *HANDS* And Sam just TAKES IT and it's AWESOME!!

'All those angels, all those demons, all those sons of bitches - they just don't get it, do they Sammy?'

"No they don't, Dean."

'You see, Brady, we're the ones you should be afraid of.'


Brady calls Sam out for every time he ever trusted a demon, and lays it out there that maybe it's not because the demons are so good at their job, but maybe it's because Sam is just like them. He asks if this is gonna make up for all the times they yanked his chain. He says it's a start.

It's a classic distraction technique, but he is throwing out some pretty hard-hitting statements, as well. I love how Sam is listening, but he just keeps stalking Brady until Brady throws the first move, which of course is a mistake on his part.

Sometimes Sam gets to use his ninja fighting skills. Those times make me very happy.

And I LOVE that Dean is keeping an eagle eye on things. He tenses with worry for a split second ...

... and then relaxes. His little brother has everything under control, and he's not going to interfere.
He gives this little nod, like, 'That's it,' and EEEE I could flail right of the COUCH.

Brady, now injured and afraid, goes for the metaphorical jugular.

"Maybe the reason you hate us so much is because you hate what you see every time you look in the mirror, you ever think of that!? Maybe the only difference between you and a demon is that your Hell is right here."

FINALLY Show acknowledges, OUT LOUD, that Sam's Hell has always been on Earth.

Dear Show,


*blows raspberries*


Dear Sam,

I allowed myself a dark satisfied grin myself.

*evil steeple fingers*


*gratuitous special effects cap*

"Interesting theory."

Yes, it is interesting. It's also massively flawed. There are a TON of differences between Sam and demons. They may not seem as powerful as the similarities - but I think he just proved that they are. I think they are going to be more important than any amulet or talisman or sigil or spell or plan that they could ever come up with. Show doesn't choose to highlight the differences very much as opposed to the similarities, but with Show, a lot of the time what you DON'T see is just as - if not more - important as what you do. And you can bet that Dean knows.

It doesn't make it better. It doesn't bring her back. It doesn't beat the devil. But it helps.

The last scene didn't surprise me AT. ALL. EVERYONE on this freaking show makes a deal eventually. Except for Sam.
Sam IS the deal.


That? Is officially my favorite Bobby line EVER.

It makes sense, of course. Make a deal, get the info, get your soul back, save the world. Of course that's NOTHING like what they've been on Sam's case all year for. *mass eyeroll*

What's that verse about the speck and the log?
Footnote: Rhetorical question is rhetorical. I know the verse.

Point is, Bobby has spent all year in that chair, and he hasn't seen Sam in action, and he doesn't know how Sam has been except for what Dean has been telling him. And Dean has been so busy believing what he's been telling himself about Sam out of worry and fear that Dean is only just NOW starting to see in the last few episodes that maybe he's been wrong about Sam lately. So do I think that Sam can beat the devil? Hell yes, I do. BRING IT.

In the words of Han Solo, I have a bad feeling about this.

In closing, gentle readers, be prepared for the TRUE apocalypse -  for the final two episodes, blacklid and I will be watching them together. In the SAME HOUSE. In the SAME ROOM, even.

Lookout, Texas.



*Due to the lateness of me actually posting this review, clearly some of these events have already occurred. The omelet was amazing. 

meta, thinky-thoughts, picspam, episode review

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