Does This Stress Make Us Look Fat?

May 05, 2010 18:18

I'm going to blacklid 's tomorrow!!!!

*crowd goes wild*

We are pretty sure the planet is going to implode, us being all together in the same state, let a lone room, but BRING IT ON, I say! I just have to pack - everything. *headdesk*

I'll be there through the finale, WOOT! Expect much fannish gushing and catching up on reviews for once and for all, and yes, even fic, FINALLY!!

In the meantime, I leave you, my darlings, with some ancient advice from one of the wisest men I know. I'm taking it myself. And it is ....


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trancendental squee, congratulations, blacklid sucks me into things, epic show pwns everything, come fly with me, anansi boys

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