Did I miss anything?

Mar 22, 2010 23:36

I've been sooooo deep in it working on Linda's wedding dress, you guise. Tonight I get to bring you proof progress is being made, YAYZ! Nowhere NEAR done, but getting there slowly but surely. :D :D I'm also getting there on Snapdragon, but that's a story for another post.

On the good news front, I'm actually loving being a receptionist. It's insanely easy physically, and while mentally I can do it with my eyes closed and I'm sure it will get boring one day ... for now, I feel so much better physically I just. could not. give. a. crap.

So yay. :)

In more good news, SHOW IS BACK THIS WEEK ZHOMG YAY. I miss Show. I miss Show like BURNING. I'm also working on a fic, which I HOPE to get done before ShowcomesbackZhomgYay.

Anywhoozits, picture of the top of the wedding dress under the cut. Minus most of the beading, the accent broach, and the cap sleeves. It's a work in progress. :) Night all!

is this real life?, weddings, sewing

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