Mod Bsns

Feb 17, 2010 14:49

Hola, happy peoples!

As some of you know, (although some of you new people may not) I mod a com, spn_glee , which is a place for only happy thoughts. kalquessa and I started it because the rampant episode-hate in s4 was so bad that I was finding it impossible to join an episode discussion thread anywhere without coming out feeling like I just lived through getting run over by a giant Mack truck made of evil.

My other vision for the com was that if anyone sees anything cool throughout their week that reminds them of show, or does something cool in honor of show, or reads some awesome fic or sees an inspiring vid that induced glee, to post and share the glee with the rest of us.

Alas, I have been a horrible mod, as RL has been kicking my butt on top of several other projects I have going, fannish and otherwise, and I have put out feelers and found who I think would be a great new mod for the com, kimmer1227 ! The com needs someone to be more active and encourage members to participate, give glee-inducing homework, etc. She has just petitioned her flist for ideas on how to make the com hoppin' again. If you are a member or might want to join, pop over to her lj and say hi, and threaten to tickle her to death if she says no,and help her out! Hopefully we can get the glee rolling again.

And what better time than now, while we are on hiatus, to glee over season 6? GO PLAY!!

You guys rock. ;) 

spn_glee, flistofawesome

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