5.13 Episode Review, part 3

Feb 10, 2010 17:09

This greatly intrigued me, and so you all get to read about it for paragraphs and paragraphs.

When Anna and Uriel come and make the dog whistle noises?
Everyone in the room, even John, cowers and covers their ears.

Like so.


We know (5.03) that vessels have a special line to their own certain angels, and we also know (4.01) that certain people can perceive an angel's true voice, but NOW we also know that being person (A) does not mean you are also person (B).


It stands to reason that it SHOULD be that if John is a vessel for Michael, and Dean is a vessel for Michael, then Dean should be able to hear Michael too, but if so, then why hasn't Michael talked to him before now? They keep trying to make it like Michael and Lucifer can't FIND them, but that's bull, b/c any angel that wants to can come talk to them in their sleep. (2.22,4.20,5.03,5.13) Presumably Michael would be familiar with Dean enough by now to know that Dean would totally blow off anything said to him in his sleep, plus he only sleeps 3 hours a night, and usually on alcohol, so .... meh.

So, small recap: The only Winchester that has ever talked to an angel without blowing out their eardrums previous to that angel taking a vessel is John. But John can ONLY hear Michael. (Because Anna and Uriel were making his head explode.) Just like Dean couldn't hear Castiel before he had Jimmy but Jimmy could hear him.

*stops for air*

And if it's a bloodline, and we have Chuck in 5.09 saying John isn't really their father, then WHAT IF THE ANGELS ARE ALL WRONG AND SAMNDEAN AREN'T REALLY THE VESSELS AT ALL!? 
And what happens if they say yes and ... they aren't the right ones?

ETA: Actually, I've just been informed Chuck says John isn't 'based on HIS father', which is a relief. Because my own personal theory was getting a little screwed up by that particular revelation, LOL. Thanks,eternallydzzled !

Or wait. Since at this point Mary is already pregnant and we've established that Sam's blood is indeed different from Dean's by the way it reacts to the sigil, what if John just isn't SAM'S father!? WHAT IF THEY AREN'T EVEN BROTHERS!?

I'm kidding.
They have to at least be HALF brothers.



*we now return you to our regularly scheduled programming*

Come Hell or high water, (but mostly just Hell) those boys just dive on in, don't they?




*dives under Safety Blanket*

And Dean is busy getting choked while Sam is dying and he has to watch AGAIN and WHAT IS IT WITH THIS SHOW AND KILLING OFF THESE BOYS!?


*plays with Hell's alphabet*

If we ONLY count times when they are dead and not times when they were supposed to die, ie: Faith, the tally stands thus:

Dean - 102 (Mystery Spot, NRFTW)
Sam - 4 (AHBL, Wishful Thinking, 5.1 and 5.13)

For a total of 106. Let's keep an eye on these, hmm?

*see paragraphs and paragraphs up there at the top of part 3 on John hearing Michael*

Watching Dean struggle to get to Sam will never not break my heart.


Sam's deaths are always quick and brutal. And usually involve suffocation of some kind.
He slips away without ever hardly making a sound.

Dean's deaths tend to be just as brutal, but it's like the universe likes to see how long he can fight it first.

*drowns in puddle*

Poor Anna. She's really, really, really, really sorry.

\o/ MICHAEL!!!! \o/

DUDE. Poor Anna!
Could it be any more tragic that she thought she was doing the right thing only it turned out she was just being used as a means to an end to further another angel's agenda and COULD IT BE ANY MORE OBVIOUS THAT SAM CAN HAZ TEH ANGEL JUICE!?


The only difference between Michael's fire and Sam's power is that Sam's fire isn't quite hot enough to burn all the way through. BUT FIRE!!! \o/ HEAVEN'S fire, no less.

I love it when my happy fantasy-induced predictions come true.

Know what else has fire?

(The Colt)

(the knife)

And because I can.

OKAY SO YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS. Hear me out on this one. INO, INO, IT'S INSANE.


What if, if Michael can use (or talk to) anyone in the bloodline, HE is the one who helped Colt make the gun? Gave him a little angel mojo, perhaps?

(Y'all do know that in my world, the Colts came before the Winchesters, right? And that Samuel Colt had a brother named John? Actually, that last part isn't just in my world. That's a historical fact.)

*smiles sweetly*

Although I must protest his dropping of a pregnant woman. EASY WITH THE MERCHANDISE, BUDDY.


*haz lost all coherency*

“Lucifer defied our Father and he betrayed me, but still - I don’t want this any more than you would want to kill Sam. You know, my brother - I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way that most people could never understand, and I still love him. But I’m going to kill him because it is right, and I have to.”

“I had an older brother who I loved. Idolized, in fact. And one day I went to him and I begged him to stand with me. And Michael … Michael turned on me. Called me a freak. A monster. All because I was different. Because I had a mind of my own. Tell me something, Sam - any of this sound familiar?”

Same tactic, different end game.

Read this part slowly. I'm not sure if it's English.

Michael saves Sam not just because it will get him brownie points with Dean, but MAINLY because he is LOOKING for a confrontation with Lucifer, and Sam is who he feels is supposed to be the vessel for that showdown.

Lucifer, on the other hand, doesn't think twice in the future about killing Dean, or about letting past Dean live, because he ISN'T looking for a confrontation with Michael, he has a game plan that involves remaking the world. If Michael gets in his way, fine, but if not .... also fine.

Lucifer(Sam) doesn't see his rebellion/falling from grace (rebellion/going to Stanford) as a betrayal or a rebellion against God(John) and Michael(Dean), he sees it as rebellion against the whole IDEA that humans are higher than angels(that hunting is any kind of a life.)

It's MICHAEL that is making Lucifer's 'rebellion' about himself and his Father, and he's not seeing it for what it really is - a much larger agenda.

Michael telling Dean that free will is an illusion, the hundreds of different points of chance,  isn't exactly a solid statement.

It's Chaos Theory.

You can choose, but your choice has ramifications beyond you, and you may or may not be making the choices you are choosing because of someone ELSE'S choice earlier in the dominoes.

Anyone remember me asking this last season?
Free will vs Destiny

Mary's death was a keystone event. Even if she hadn't walked into that nursery, she still would have died.
Just in another way.

Oh, Dean.

Now, answer me this. If Michael has been watching over Dean for this long, and he can zap Sam back to the future and bring him back from the dead at the same time, could he not put SamnDean on that plane? Could he not bring Castiel back to life? Could it not have been him behind all of this ALL ALONG?

I will be the FIRST person to say that I can't stand seeing Sam dead and I hate looking at caps of Sam when he's dead but I felt like I owed it to Show to point out some pretty kick-ass special effects, here. You only see Sam on the floor a tiny handful of times, but the whole time he's lying there there is blood POURING out of the pipe that Anna skewered him with. If you look close at this one you can even see the stream.


The jacket-straightening hit me as a sort of twisted father-son interaction. Not just because he was using John, just ... the way he did it, it reminded me of a Dad looking over his kid before sending him somewhere important. Kind of freaked me out.

Also, it was like in the back of my head I could almost hear OUR John screaming at Michael to get his hands off.

Anyway. *shudder*

Of course ... Dean does it, too.

Matt deserves cookies for this episode. He rocked my world.



Something about the way Castiel just shows up without his usual accompanying wing-flapping sound effects and doesn't know how he got there makes me wonder if Michael didn't zap him back, too. Actually, strike that. It makes me think he probably did.


Who has the angel killing sword now? The last time we saw it it was on the floor. Sam didn't bring it back, and neither did Dean. Does Michael have it? Did he give it back to Cas?


Random note: I LOVE Castiel's little smile when he turns and sees Sam. I can't decide if it's like 'Oh good, you lived', or if it's 'Oh good, I made it,' but I love it.

♥I love loving Cas for concrete reasons.♥

Hey is it just me or are they drinking together?

Hey guys? You know this doesn't count, right?

Poor Sam. If I was mostly dead all day I'd want a drink, too.

Are we SURE they are back? This motel looks a little 70s ish.

Sam has apparently noticed that when Show says something is going to happen over and over again, it usually does. And he is worried. I can't blame him. I'm worried, too.


"And if you could save Mom? What would you say?"

*puddle turns into the ocean*




Seriously. They are so HAPPY together and ADORABLE and LOVING and she's all SNARKY and he's all SWEET and when Dean told Sam about how Mary used to tell him about angels Sam took it as a sign of FAITH and it gave him HOPE and it was all a LIE and MY HEART. CANNOT.

In conclusion:



ETA: Otherwise known as I can't believe I forgot to put this in here somewhere earlier, I Suck At Life.

Here's my actual honest-to-Kripke opinion.

Azazel was a fallen angel(2.22,4.01,4.16), and also an agent of Lucifer. He was the one who sought Lucifer out, etc etc. He was supposed to find Lucifer 'A CHILD'. Not a ton of children, A child. (4.03,4.22) Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and thrown into Hell. His own words were that he 'fell from grace.'

Now, when Anna fell, what did she have to do first? Rip out her grace, right? I doubt Michael would have kicked Lucifer out without doing the same to him.

Now take Sam. His genetics are the same genetics as Dean, but his blood, or at least his unique physical properties are NOT. We know that now for sure after last week - seeing that Lucifer only needs Sam's BODY and not his spirit or soul, and this week - seeing that the sigil reacted differently to Sam's blood than to Dean's.

Anna states that Sam is the only vessel that matters, and says that without Sam, there will be no Croatoan, no showdown, etc. Why would that be?

I think it's because SAM HAS LUCIFER'S GRACE.

Azazel tried a bunch of children, right? And they all flamed out, went nuts - but SAM - Sam is immune, Sam has the powers of an angel. Sam is THE one because he has what Lucifer needs - HIS OWN POWER.

Think about it. So far, we haven't seen Lucifer use any powers that a graceless angel doesn't have. For instance, he used TK to throw Dean in 5.10, But Anna used TK to move a dresser before she got her grace back in 4.09. We saw him kill a bunch of demons at the gravesite - but did HE kill them, or did completing the tribute ritual do it? Hell, he even dug the hole by hand!

Nick is disintegrating all around him and he can't heal him the way a lower level angel like Cas has healed Jimmy before, or how Michael healed Sam. If Cas is cut off from Heaven's power, Lucifer would be cut off ten times that. In order to storm Heaven - he's gonna need his angel juice back. Anyway, that's my theory, and I'm stickin' to it. :)

meta, sam is dean and dean is sam, sam!, thinky-thoughts, dean!, epic show pwns everything, episode review

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