5.09 Episode Review, part 2

Jan 22, 2010 13:16

Here, we see the reclusive author and the rabid fangirl in their mostly natural habitats, bonding over yellow-eyed coolers.

I love Becky's little "Eh-heh." When Chuck asks if they can talk alone. AWKWARD.


Dear Fandom Chuck Fandom Chuck, JarednJensen's SamnDean's lives are NOTFORPUBLICCONSUMPTION. OKAY.

No love,


Not For Public Consumption

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On the other hand ...

Dear SamnDean,

I get your trepidations. I do. But when you make Chuck make this face?

This is what I see in my head.

How dare you.

Sadfacedly yours,



Gratuitous screencap of how gorgeous Sam is. Just in case y'all forgot. It's been a long hiatus.

Side-by-side of how good larping!Sam is at Sam's OMGWHAT face.
Hey, a plane crashed here ...

This con puts on a GAME!?

Dear Creation,

No Games

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No. Really. No.


I LOVE this shot. EL-OH-EL. Well done, Show.
( Is this a good time to remind everyone of our dragon con cosplay pictures? I think it is.)
Good cosplay is, as we all know, in the details.


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But does it Go Ding When There's Stuff? I think not.

Meeeeean old Leticia Gore.
Interesting name for a white chick.

"Dude, I'm serious. Don't eat my skittles."

Rp!Sam getting stalked by one of the Lost Boys. It's about time it was little creepy BOY ghosts. And they were creeeepy.


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Ok, so they didn't kill him. Today.

Who is ahead for deaths now, seriously? Of course you'd have to just count Mystery Spot as one for Dean. Or else it wouldn't be fair. Huh. I may come back to that later.


Where we were at on the first commercial break...

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The next 2 caps are cool, not just because they look cool but because later on they are repeated frame for frame with Larping!SamnDean in Real!SamnDean's places.

Drinking heavily, as they should be. Because hi - SNAFU.

Love how while she's ignoring him he's just waiting. He knows he's THE Dean. Oh yeah.
*plays Lady Gaga*

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Gratuitous screencap of how gorgeous Dean is, just in case y'all forgot. It's been a long hiatus.

Not!Leticia: "Oh hai. Ur not liek teh ofver kittehs."

Part Three

cons: chicago con, thinky-thoughts, picspam, epic show pwns everything, episode review, *dies*

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