Dead Letters

Jan 21, 2010 10:25

A fic rec of epic proportions, kiddos.

Dead Letters.

I saw this all over my flist last night, and thought eh, should I click it? 'Cos you know, I can barely keep up with authors I've heard of before. Then I think whatever, I clicky.



There isn't a good way to describe the impact, you just have to see it for yourself. It's set up as a com, and you start at the top and read entries all the way down. Gah. *blows nose* When I usually rec a fic I just say, OMGOMGGOREADTHIS and point, but this one is ...


You know what it is? It's the perfect thing to get ready for tonight, is what it is. Please PLEASE go read it. It's awesome.

ficrec, squee, sam!, art imitates life imitating art, dean!, epic show pwns everything, samndean own my soul

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