ChiCon2009 Photo Ops

Nov 17, 2009 14:17

Oh Hai! It's Blacklid again.

We are both sick AND have family visiting AND Tahiri's laptop decided to get into the virus game, too, so everyone cross your fingers that all the awesome videos and pictures she took over the weekend survive the clean-up!

She said that she's writing by hand so that she doesn't forget a single thing and that there's so much that later she might just scan the scribbled pages and go, "HERE *shoves*".

*hacks and coughs*

Anyway, LET THE FUN BEGIN. Here's our photo-op pictures with those guys... I forget their names again. *scratches head*

It was purple and black shirt day! Woot! (Blacklid is the one in the... black lid. A-HAHA. *shifty eyes*)

Click for bigger.

cons: chicago con, squee, jared, there is no spoon, blacklid sucks me into things, what am i the master of again?, guh, *dies*, jared sez whut nao?, anansi boys, is this real life?, jensen

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