SPOILERIFIC Wankery!! \o/

Jul 27, 2009 22:36


I, as a fan, a fic writer, and a Sam girl, do hereby sollemnly swear that I am looking forward to s5 in all it's awesome, gory, twisted glory, and am going into the fall will GLEE and ANTICIPATION.

Therefore, if you agree with THIS or were a complainer over HERE, or if you honestly think THIS WAY about Sam OR Dean, pleazed to be defriending me nao, kthxsbai. (LOL)

Also also, pleazed to be letting me know of defriendingz so I can return the favors, m'kay?

*waves happily*

ps - Know why I love my flist so much? I bet only about 2 of you have any idea what this post is even about. *SNUGGLES*


pps - Does anyone know who made my icon? Thanks!!

flistofawesome, fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, lmao, because its wrong, fail, samndean own my soul

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