Alaska!(kind of) final post

Jul 24, 2009 04:17

Hello, insomnia, my old and unwanted, better-off-forgotten friend. Thanks for at least reminding me to finish my vacation post. *shoots insomnia in the head*

Victoria, B.C. Very pretty city. Not a whole lot to say about it, sadly - really we just walked around for a few hours and took pictures. Sea lions in the harbor. Waved at Vancouver as it floated by. :) Hi, boys. U haz a perrtay Canadia.

Everything in Victoria is very ... Victorian. Imagine!


Really neat Hotel.

Really big Red Cedar.

Spent a lot of time in the harbor.

I love this picture, for some reason everything looks really tiny, like the MGM studio set or something. But I really was in Victoria. I swearz!!


Watched some street performers at the dock, this guy was hysterical. And Irish. Which ... you know. ;)

And there is our ship on the far right.

Well ... that's it! No more vacation until Dragoncon, lol. ;) Hope you enjoyed the pics, I'm going to try valiently to go back to bed. *yawn*

alaska!, picspam

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