Apr 05, 2008 14:14
So, my fridge is fairly clean - once something gets old, I'll usually dump it out within a week. (Which is about as often as I take out the trash).
Well, there was one half gallon of skim milk I kept forgetting to throw out. I drank up most of the ones that came after it...but this particular jug eventually stopped catching my eye.
Well, I was throwing stuff out today and was like "oh man, I should really throw this out"...this 1/2 gal was from the beginning of January! The liquid was completely seperated too.
So, I ran the water in the sink and braced myself for nasty expired milk smell to be dumped out....
The clear liquid that was seperated came out - but the white part didn't!
It had turned into CHEESE!!!!!!
And there was absolutely no smell.....it was like the water just left, and ramining inside this jug was a big slab of cheese....
I also had a smoothie from last weekend that had also seperated and turned into one part strawberry water, and 3 parts strawberry mousse. Also weird...
Good times from this weeks episode of clean out my fridge.