(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 10:51

I think I'm almost better. Or at least, I keep thinking I'm almost better and then waking up with a nasty sore throat and a headache and a pink face. What's up with that? I'll be back at work tomorrow whatever, so really, why can't I just be well?

The rest of you will probably give me funny looks as well, like eclaire and pudding_dragon, but I've been reading West Wing slash recently. It's good! Don't look at me like that! I just like Josh and Sam, okay?

Almost finished X-Files Season One, yay? Not yay? It's so goooood... I have more of The Dead Zone after that, which I love to bits, it's sooooooooo good, to put the stress on a different word this time.

Jenny, if you're done with my DVDs, could I have them back soon?

scifilove, sick

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