Suddenly, I see, this is what I wanna be. Suddenly, I see, why the hell this means so much to me.

Mar 27, 2011 23:53

This has been one of those evenings where I read/see/find something super cool that somebody else has made/done/written and feel very underaccomplished. I don't know about you, but it always makes my inner creative nut swell with bombastic cries of 'I'm going to do something super cool and then I will be accomplished, too! I will be so accomplished that I will be TOO AWESOME TO LOOK AT and people will TREMBLE WITH JEALOUSY AND THE FUTILITY OF THEIR PUNY LIVES.'

Then I go back to reading fanfic and musing over whether to hit up eBay for some awesome wide-legged jeans, and lamenting having to go back to work tomorrow, instead of harnessing my ego to the oxcart of Productivity and actually Getting Shit Done.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

productivity, via ljapp, make things, creativity, writing

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