Suddenly and without my seeming input my current project has become a two-POV piece rather than my usual tight-third single POV. Bit weirded out to be honest. Last time I wrote multiple POV was in high school and it was a total disaster.
Then again, things seem to be going really well - probably just cursed it, but I started writing for reals on Friday and I'm 4000 words in now, which considering my track record of the last 3 years is pretty fantastic. Clearly all it took was a new project to get excited about and I'm off.
Now you can all look forward to the next time I stall, when as per usual I will complain about it vociferously to anyone who listen, including all of you. Fun times.
4156 / 100000
(100k is a total guess, BTW. I have no idea how long this will be. Hopefully not crazylong but not ridiculously short. That's what I'm aiming for, anyway.)