Hi guys! I'm in San Diego! I know, I know, what am I doing here on the internet? OH WELL. Today I went for a walk and ended up being out for seven hours shopping and wandering. I also got free movie tickets for buying DVDs, so I went to see The Last Airbender.
Firstly, they cast the WHITEST KIDS EVER as Inuits, which looked dumb enough, but then cast EVERYONE ELSE IN THE VILLAGE as actual non-white people! Secondly, they needed a visit from the show-don't-tell fairy and the gnome of pacing, seriously. They tried to fit in so many disparate pieces of the original show that it was like the world's ugliest patchwork. Thirdly, none of the characters got enough screentime - or acted well enough - to actually make me give a crap, other than Zuko, who, played by Dev Patel, was by far the most likeable of the lot. Katara and Sokka were barely even there, let alone doing anything.
SO glad I didn't pay actual money for this movie. If you really want to see it - and I really did - find a way not to pay for it. I'm not kidding. I paid money to see GI Joe and was happy about it. Not this movie.
I write like
Margaret Atwood
I Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! A link:
This is a warning from emigree to women using lj about a total creep who is targeting young women. You do need to read this. krazykipper's post reminded me White Collar started again today and I totally forgot and I could have watched it on TV. Now I'm trying to download it but the internet here is sooooo slooooow. Not sure I'm gonna make it. DAMN.
I updated
my story thing so it's got all the material up to where I am now, if anyone's interested?
Tomorrow I'm going to go to Balboa park and wander the museums :) And maybe find an internet cafe to see if I can get that White Collar episode.