I saw a few people on my flist were doing this, and thought it sounded like a great idea. I couldn't quite reach 100, but here's my list. Here's to hoping I can tick most of these off before this time next year :)
1. Comiccon in San Diego, baby!
2. Visit a new UK town
3. Visit a new country
4. Take a weekend getaway to explore a new place by myself
5. Read at least 10 nonfiction books
6. Read at least 10 fiction books
7. Read at least one newspaper a week
8. Read at least four books in genres that I don’t usually read
9. Read at least four ‘classic’ books
10. Watch at least five old movies
11. Watch at least five ‘serious’ movies
12. Watch at least five foreign films
13. Go to the cinema at least twice a month
14. Keep a film review diary on lj
15. Go to at least two museums
16. Go to at least two plays
17. Go to at least two other ‘cultural places’, eg stately homes, castles etc
18. Visit Kew Gardens
19. Listen to at least three albums I wouldn’t normally
20. Go to Chinese New Year in London
21. Visit Westminster Abbey
22. Visit St Paul’s Cathedral
23. Pass BSL Level One
24. Continue with CPD and get bumped up a paygrade
25. Learn to knit more than basic stitch
26. Learn to take better photographs
Writing and Creative Skillz, yo
27. Regain discipline
28. Write at least 5000 words a week
29. Edit and/or complete The Night Tower
30. Write at least one short story
31. Write at least one poem
32. Start playing the flute again
33. Sing more
34. Start reading blogs about writing and publishing again
35. Vary my lunches more
36. Go to the gym at least twice a week, try for three times
37. Spend less money at the supermarket
38. Batch cook meals and freeze them
39. Learn to cook more varied meals
40. Throw at least three dinner parties
41. Keep in contact with friends better - phone, email, meet-ups
42. Do some volunteer work of any description
43. Grow my own vegetables
44. Start a scrapbook
45. Organise important paperwork and letters
46. Try out dressing up steampunk-style
47. Donate blood
48. Try out skiing
49. Spend more time with my sister
50. Make my Last Will and Testament
51. Find new places to go and people to meet
53. Change my address with all and sundry
54. Organise insurance
55. Organise utilities
56. Organise telephone
57. Organise internet
58. Organise TV
59. Paint fugly wardrobe doors and replace handles
60. Paint living room
61. Get mug tree
62. Get tin to keep utensils in
63. Do washing up on the night it is made
64. Do laundry at least once a fortnight
65. Only use dryer when speed is necessary (or for sheets or jeans)
66. Learn how to connect my laptop to my TV without flailing around for 10mins first
67. Go all Laurence Llewellyn-Bowen on the furniture matching
68. Read in at least one new fandom
69. Read at least one fic with a pairing I wouldn’t usually read
70. Comment on at least every fic I like enough to tag to delicious, preferably more
71. Volunteer to beta-read for people
72. Make at least one fanmix
73. Make a ‘how to’ fanmix tutorial
74. Rec at least twenty fics a month