Jul 07, 2007 00:03
Hello, I'm home from placement for the weekend! And I have INTERNET ACCESS!
I miss it SO MUCH when I don't have it, I really do. I'm getting all weepy just thinking about it (no, not really.) But, really, tomorrow is going to have to be 'lj catch-up day'. Just thinking about the three daily fandom newsletters I'm going to trawl through for fic I've missed makes me sad - I'm going to have such a backlog :( I already read all the personal posts, though, so that's something.
Mostly my placement is going really well, but one of the orthoptists has a real talent for not only treating me like a moron but making me feel like a moron. I'll admit that I get questions wrong when she is asking me them - which doesn't help - but it's her attitude that makes it worse. I've been gotten out of my session with her on Monday, at least, by my lovely placement partner <3 <3 <3 (hearts not mice)
Poor Jasper, he has had his bits chopped off now and has to wear a trumpet on his head to stop him from licking his stitches, because there is no physical way that he would not lick his stitches as soon as he was able to sit up. He keeps bumping into things and also trying to butt me with his head for attention like he normally would but instead hitting me with the trumpet. Ouch!
La la la that's all I have to say for now!
real life